Device Details
Name | Version: | Mite - Sync-Free Polyphonic MIDI Note Repeater 1.5 |
Author: | victorkashirin |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | «Mite» is a polyphonic MIDI note repeater with synced or free repeating time, random delay, random note drop, retrigger and bypass switches. DEMO: Main function: to get off the grid! Most note repeaters are synced with transport, so it is really hard to fill the space in between the beats, to stretch or compress the time as you wish. That is what «Mite» tries to address. Mite is also polyphonic, meaning you can repeat chords and stack notes and they will be played in sync. [INSPIRATION] «Mite» is inspired by the music of Mark Fell and Second Woman. To get an idea listen to this: or read interviews: Functionally it tries to copy device called «Tragedy» made by K-Devices for Joshua Eustis. [FUNCTIONS] Two modes of repeat interval length selection (Step): 1) Free - step/interval length is set in milliseconds; 2) Sync - step/interval length is set as note duration. Two modes of random delay (RndDel): 1) Fixed (ms) - random delay value is drawn from fixed interval in milliseconds; 2) Relative (%) - random delay value is drawn from the interval relative to repeat interval, set in percentage of interval length. Random notes drop (RndDrop): select probability of note drop out. Feature: chords will be dropped out in full, not just a single note. Retrigger switch (RT): On: repeating timer is reset when new note is played; Off: repeating is not retriggered when new note is played. Bypass swith (BP): will turn repeating on/off. If keys are still pressed after switching off and on, it will pick them up and continue repeating. [RECIPES] – modulate step and random delay, that's where all fun is; – sounds really cool with m4l envelope linked to step length; [COMMENTS] – «mite» is an anagram of «time»; – please review the device and send feature request / bug reports here. [CHANGE LOG] June 16, 2017 - Version 1.0 July 6, 2017 - Version 1.5: added random note drop out |
Live Version Used: | 9.7.2 |
Max Version Used: | 7.3.4 |
Date Added: | Jun 15 2017 18:21:43 |
Date Last Updated: | Dec 18 2018 22:50:00 |
Downloads: | 3509 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercial |
Average Rating
(3) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | Mite.amxd |
Thanks for comment, senorakubra. Indeed, I was inspired by the «Tragedy» too, just had to implement it myself since Tragedy was custom built for Joshua only.
Good suggestion for the feature. It actually make sense to include it in the device, because when you play chord, you want to be able to randomly skip any/all notes in the chord. If one would use random gate after the device, is would be impossible to skip full chord, since it will gate randomly selected midi notes. Will try to add!
Good suggestion for the feature. It actually make sense to include it in the device, because when you play chord, you want to be able to randomly skip any/all notes in the chord. If one would use random gate after the device, is would be impossible to skip full chord, since it will gate randomly selected midi notes. Will try to add!
Posted on June 16 2017 by victorkashirin |
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I love it. This is not unlike the Uzi Note Repeater device: except that Mite has that random piece that makes it great for generative stuff. I did go in and increase the Step to 10ms-3s, and the Rand to 0-1000. I just liked the wider range. What's really fun is to go Mite->Ableton MIDI Random (chance 100, choice 16) -> Drum Rack full of short samples. REALLY interesting textures.
Posted on June 22 2017 by newmodernscience |
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Thanks for comment, newmodernscience.
I tried your recommendation, works really well. Another tip: put Ableton MIDI Chord after MIDI Random.
Wow to Uzi, haven't seen this one. Really nice device!
I tried your recommendation, works really well. Another tip: put Ableton MIDI Chord after MIDI Random.
Wow to Uzi, haven't seen this one. Really nice device!
Posted on June 22 2017 by victorkashirin |
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I love it. This is not unlike the Uzi Note Repeater device: except that Mite has that random piece that makes it great for generative stuff. I did go in and increase the Step to 10ms-3s, and the Rand to 0-1000. I just liked the wider range. What's really fun is to go Mite->Ableton MIDI Random (chance 100, choice 16) -> Drum Rack full of short samples. REALLY interesting textures.
Posted on June 22 2017 by newmodernscience |
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not sure why that posted twice. lol. Yeah, UZI is super fun with an X/Y controller. I use it with a random device too, and then add a glitch plugin right after that, so you can actually play some very cool Telefon Tel Aviv style glitchy percussion patterns in a live set. Really adds something.
Mite is going to be great because it's going to add straight up aleatoric style to stuff. at high rates it's almost in the granular synth arena. When you turn random off and leave it at free, you can do some great ascending/descending builds with the speed knob. So simple, but so great.
Mite is going to be great because it's going to add straight up aleatoric style to stuff. at high rates it's almost in the granular synth arena. When you turn random off and leave it at free, you can do some great ascending/descending builds with the speed knob. So simple, but so great.
Posted on June 22 2017 by newmodernscience |
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New version 1.5 uploaded: added note drop out probability.
Posted on July 05 2017 by victorkashirin |
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great stuff - thanks!
Posted on January 12 2018 by oisin |
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Fantastic device, exactly what I was looking for ! Thx a lot ! I got a couple of ideas on how to generate this kind of M. Fell pattern but not the ability to develop it unfortunately.
Posted on August 03 2018 by Sbstn85 |
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I've been using it the past year and pretty much loves it.
Do you see any improvement to it yourself ?
I like the fact that in tragedy you can draw the steps
Do you see any improvement to it yourself ?
I like the fact that in tragedy you can draw the steps
Posted on December 10 2018 by telkmx |
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Excellent. This is exactly what I needed. Looking forward to sharing the results.
Posted on October 21 2019 by feefs |
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Great plugin! On ableton 10.1.9 parameter names aren't showing like 50ms - 0.00ms - 0.00%
Posted on April 21 2020 by nunoaudio |
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nunoaudio, you mean the label text is white and hence unreadable? Same for me!) I'll update device shortly, together with some improvements to functionality as well - it's long overdue.
Posted on April 22 2020 by victorkashirin |
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your excellency does it again!
Posted on December 31 2022 by FreddyFingaz |
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I have stuck a probability of midi note passing though device after this, with interesting results. Maybe a good addotion for your version 2?