Comments by terbano

When i assign the button to a midi cc, it just turns blue when i send the cc and nothing records. Very Buggy.
does not work. followed all instructions in the tutorial. doesn't do a thing.
Doesn't work. inserted on midi track, assigned, when i press the button, it changes color, doesn't record anything and doesn't play anything back
Basically useless without the labels saving, Sad, Could be very cool
When I setup CC_Sender_8 with any of my synths and save it all in a live preset, the functions staty, but all the labels I've created don't recall
:( :( :( :(
Hey mothergarage :)
Great Device! So I found what seems to be a bug. I use the 'random' setting in MaxForLive's LFO, to humanize different parameters in instruments and synths. When I use Multimapper to apply a randomized LFO to both Cutoff 1 and Cutoff 2 of a synth, for example, Live starts recording all of the movements of the multimapped knob into the undo history. The undo function in Ableton then becomes un useable for anything else, as it gets filled with hundreds of undos. This doesn't happen with MaxForLive's LFO in the random setting otherwise - only when I use it with multimapper.