Comments by tajnost

Hi! Could you please update this little gem to make it work with Push 3 in standalone mode. Now it loads and plays but controls are hidden : (

One of the best sounding if not the best m4l synth at the time! Really want to have it available in standalone mode.

Also if you could, please consider making another m4l synth, like polyphonic Juno 60, or Memorymoog for example, with huge sound, minimal controls and fast workflow! 8>
this one is super killer! the only thig I can ask >>> is it possible to make fully controllable from push 2? yes, there're macros, but not all parameters are accessible and only 16 macros is definitely not enough. otherwise it's the best m4l thing I ever seen : )
Not crashing on my side here on mac and latest live 10 and generally just works amazing. I would love to see 2.0 version, 100% stable. One of the best and powerful granular tools around.
Amazing tool, thank you very much!
Maybe there's new info on the subject = new WII driver? Please, let us know if so...

Maybe you've found some other interesting software for wii + live / max? Would be nice to find the solution...
Hi! I can't find your contacts so have to ask here: is there a way to output Ribbon into Syphon? Want to work more with it but see no way to record/process the results. Thanks!
Could you please make it sned MIDI CC? It would be killer.