Comments by ryjtyj

it solves the very popular problem of muting drum_rack-located external instruments via Push!
i was in the middle of making my own patch, because that feature is crucial for me. I made the first half, but was struggling to disable devices via m4l, and found your device while googling that specific thing =)
i was searching for that kind of device before doing my own patch, but haven't succeed finding it..
much love!!! thank you very, very much!
would be great to have a "no triplets" mode and a longer looping length (1-2 bars). everything else is very well!
hey man!

it would be an instant classic, super-hit, ultimate must-have device, but as for now:

1) values are not updating when switching to another track.
e.g. when i adjust "EQ Gain 2" on track1 via BCR2000 then move to track2 - the value feedback in BCR stays as it was on track1, while it is different on track2.
the consequences are (aside from not seeing right values on controller) abrupt jumps from first to second value while turning knob futher.

2) it would be totally awesome to make a possibility to create mappings for other devices by ourselves.
want to map analog/operator/etc.. but have a struggle surfing your patch while being a m4l noob =)
it doesn't have to be a convenient way like a list of everything in max device, but a little tips to dive into your patch to create more mappings by community will be much appreciated!

thank you for your work!
i was dreaming of Logic mappings in Ableton, but there is currently no handy solution, so.. crossing fingers for you!
hello. should be awesome device!
have one problem though:
when i turn succesfully mapped knob it jumps to some wrong (random?) value for a moment, then turns like it should.
it happens every time i turn other knob.
ableton 9, m4l 6.1, win 7, bcr2000
tried the 1.11 version as well, same result.
what could it be? really want to give this device a proper use! thank you!