Comments by pluto

@iandicke playing with this a lot and great idea and device but one thing I feel it is not right, when assigning a modulation to a cutoff for example I feel that modulation has a bit lag versus the triggering notes and sounds not perfect (a bit off). Do you think you can make it more responsive?

thank you :)
@njassal "Love this device. Any chance we can get one for audio?" amazing idea! :)

@denissdesantis great idea from njassal but don't know how snappy can be the audio to midi conversion, I always felt the max4live audio to midi devices have an impossible to use lag/delay... maybe you find a way not to have it

so the audio stream is analyzed and the device reacts just to a a particular volume threshold that can be established with a parameter. if you'll succeed this device it will be huge! :D

i tried both Max bundled and separate 8.3.1 (latest) on my OSX 10.14.6 (last update on Ableton as well)
so when i add the original SH device and add this i see the map button i can mapt it but value is not modulated
by the way I am not able to have/see the maping to add parameters, the original from Deniss is able to do that, is there something I do wrong thx
@denissdesantis sorry for my previous confused message, I just want to be able to “freez” a state of the sh by a press of a button on my midi controller so it will repeat that modulation function to a selected lenght: half a bar, 1 bar, 2 bars, 4 bars. (Actually a button for every length will be ideal for tge midi controller). When preseed again the same lenght value then is going back to the evolving sh routine

I hope now make more sense, thank you

Ps: i dont care if is looping the previous bars or the next one after pressing the button, how is easiest for you to implement (if is the same for you then previous one make more sense)
@yogen sorry for my confused message, I just want to be able to “freez” a state of the sh by a press of a button on my midi controller so it will repeat that modulation function to a selected lenght: half a bar, 1 bar, 2 bars, 4 bars. (Actually a button for every length will be ideal for tge midi controller). When preseed again the same lenght value then is going back to the evolving sh routine

I hope now make more sense, thank you

Ps: i dont care if is looping the previous bars or the next one after pressing the button, how is easiest for you to implement (if is the same for you then previous one make more sense)
@Yogen please can u add a loop function?, it is possible just simple counting half or 1 or 2 bars from the moment is pressed the loop function and after press that interval is looped in sync with the ableton bpm, in does matter how/what values are included, this Pamela’s workout module feature from eurorack, very useful for creates moments and even melodies if quantized to a scale ;) belive me this will add a great value to it :)

Thank you!
@dennisdesantis sorry for my late reply, yes is possible just simple counting half or 1 or 2 bars from the moment is pressed tge loop function and after press that interval is looped in sync with the ableton bpm, in does matter how/what values are included, this Pamela’s workout module feature from eurorack, very useful for creates moments and even melodies if quantized to a scale ;) belive me this will add a great value to it :)
Hey great device , can you make an option to loop the state when need it, having a few midi learn buttons freez half a bar, a bar, 2 bars, 4, bars 8 bars and orher you may prefer :) this will be great for live performances :) thanks
@mafgar very good point, otherwise it is always random, a 100% chance will make the process loopable / also the chance % will be great to be midi mapable
@altarofwisdom regarding option 2 (passthrough) so the individual channels will not be mixed into device and will go out individually (routed) after processing to choosed audio track so inthis case wil will be able to individually processing with other effects as we like.

So regarding option 1 it is true you have some probability settings in there, somehow to freeze a state of those so the output will be the same in time

hey man bought the device, really great tool :) two things will be great to see:

1. a loop/freeze option, so when pressed a midi programable button to keep one state of the processing, having the option to chose 1, 2, 4, 8 bars, do you think technically is possible? This will really amazing! :D

2. Audio pass through, so as option that all the channels to be rerouted to external audio channels for further insert effects

Thank you
hey really great device, can you make the random buttons mini learn able?

Hey man great device, can you please "midi learn" the Generate button as well

Thank you so much xx
Hello, amazing device :) its next level comparing to Instant House by Alexkid

I have 3 questions and 1 request:

Does the saved user patterns are aded to the list of the 512 ones ? There is any possibility to manage that list and filter it lets say ?

Does the pro version has the 32 steps patterns made specifically for it or are the same 16 steps ones from the free version multiply by 2 ? I mean there is any diversification between first 16 steps and the rest of the 16 steps?

Are your patterns made with techno and house in mind, I mean you analyzed specific techno and house patterns or are more randomly?

Do you think you can add also swing presets? And having at least the basic ones like like TR-909, MPC-3000, SP-1200 and maybe some latinos one like the Ableton ones? Of course ideally will be to have 8 different swings for every of the sounds, MFB Tanzbar drum machine has different swings on every channel and really make the difference but its a pain to program it fast...

Also I know you have a nice accent implemented so no need for that ones in the swing presets, just the delays of the notes will be enough.

Thank you
Hello, amazing device :) its next level comparing to Instant House by Alexkid

I have 3 questions and 1 request:

Does the saved user patterns are aded to the list of the 512 ones ? There is any possibility to manage that list and filter it lets say ?

Does the pro version has the 32 steps patterns made specifically for it or are the same 16 steps ones from the free version multiply by 2 ? I mean there is any diversification between first 16 steps and the rest of the 16 steps?

Are your patterns made with techno and house in mind, I mean you analyzed specific techno and house patterns or are more randomly?

Do you think you can add also swing presets? And having at least the basic ones like like TR-909, MPC-3000, SP-1200 and maybe some latinos one like the Ableton ones? Of course ideally will be to have 8 different swings for every of the sounds, MFB Tanzbar drum machine has different swings on every channel and really make the difference but its a pain to program it fast...

Also I know you have a nice accent implemented so no need for that ones in the swing presets, just the delays of the notes will be enough.

Thank you