Comments by planetarfractals

Really an interesting device so to say, I will explore it more, and try to understand it's capabilities, perhaps make blip or two :)
Interesting device to say the least, bravo.
So So powerful Utility device, the Manual is amazing and easy to follow, I understood it in 1 breath. No bug, everything is in working order !
I am grateful on your effort and energy, and willingness to share it here.
Unsuable, I tried everything I thinked of to start it working, once it was placed on MIDI channel and triggered with MIDI Note. Without tutorial, I really don't se any use of this device. I also dont get, people make an device, spend so much time in it, or not - and after that skip to explain trough tutorial it's approach and possibilities, that is sad.
I am so glad to have opportunity, and get to fiddle with this monster of an device called Blanket, and it's features. Even sent couple of suggestions that might had sense to implement, in the device it self.
igotlost* I wanna thank you for making this device FREE of charge and very responsive, because sharing is caring, and I think as well, that's why you got so much positive response on Max for Live group, over facebook. You deserve to be awarded for this gesture from your side, and you will I am sure of it, people who appreciate your work here - recognise it and award it 100%.