Comments by nowiamone

Feature Request:
- let us control the Volume Fader of selected Track (and have the option to choose between the Abletons standard setting of +6db being the maximum, or 0db being the maximum position of the Fader)

- let us control at least 3-4 Sends of the selected Track :)

This would be awesome, to control selected Tracks Volume and Sends with just 1 Fader and 3-4 knobs. Thank you!
My wishlist for this device:
- let us control the currently selected Tracks Fader (=Volume), with the option to set the Maximum value of the Fader, so the maximum position of the midi assigned controller Fader won't be forced to be +6db, but could also be +0. :)

- let us control the available Sends of the selected Track (or at least 3 Sends).

Thank you! :)
After further testing, i managed to make Ableton use the "true arm", making a fully bright arm on selection instead of the darkred arm. (By going to abletons preference, enabling solo arm and disabling again).

But now i encounter the same bug another commenter here has:
When pressing "Delete Clip" ONCE it not only deletes the clip, but automatically records a new clip.
Hey Zap, great device ... I found out that it does not work in my Livesets - and the reason behind it seems to be: the ARM mode.

The track (where the clip recording is happening) has to be armed manually.

When using the "-EnableArmOnSelection" function in the options.txt file of Ableton, sadly, your device does not work! (The arm-color is a darker red when arm on selection is used. The normal arm color is much brighter red.)
Could you pleeeeasse make a upgrade to the device, so that it's working with this other arm-variant too? i can pay 5 dollars/euros for that. :)
My whole workflow within my liveset is based on the fact that i can scroll through my tracks and every track gets automatically armed. Arm on selection is vital for me.
Hey guys and Mr. Krito,
could anyone of you please be so kind to make a Youtube demonstration of this device? It looks really fascinating, but i m too dumb to use it...
Thanks in advance :)
Hello, thank you for the device!
i m wondering:
- why don't you make the functions mappable? like the classical way of having buttons/knobs on the m4l surface which are mappable via Ctrl+M
- will you some day include the Fader and Send section? That would be awesome. Because i m using a Touch OSC software (OSC/Pilot) and could then control and midi-assign the "selected track" Fader and 3 Send-Knobs, Mute, Record-Arm, Solo.
Thank you , have a nice day :)
Thanks alot for the device, it’s very nice! I m using the M8 Version because it shows everything.

Although it’s very good as it is right now, please let me put some Feature ideas here:

- let users save the windows position (and size), so when re-loading the project, the window appears where it was saved! In my case (M8 lite) it does not open automatically and when I open it via the m4l button, it is not at the same Monitor-position where I put it last time.

- save display space by removing the space next to the master-fader, which is only blue-color-background. Move the "SA M8 Lite"-Logo to the bottom below the Masterfader, to save display-space.

- resize-able Window-size Edit: oh i found out this is available in Pro version, nice.

- deep customization. I know this feature would change everything, because then you would sell a “all in one” solution, which potentially can be every kind of mixer. You could show/hide anything you like in the m4l device, like Buttons, Faders, Meters, Knobs, Labels. For example, I never use and need “Pan” knobs, so they are a display-waste for me.

- You also could add a additional, optional row for controlling Sends, not via knobs but Faders for better Touchcontrol, (maybe this is in SA-X already, but I couldn’t see)

- an additional option to put Faders and Meters together (like in the Ableton Mixer, but done better). This would save a lot of display space and also could stay fully functional, if done correctly. Let me give an example of how this could look, in this video beginning with 14 seconds:

- being even more touch-friendly, the click-able region of the Fader has to be really big, even if the Fader-graphic in the GUI is small

Please be sure that your device is already appreciated as it is, gave it 5 stars, thank you a lot!
Absolutely perfect! Thanks for making this free.
I suggest adding "fold / unfold group" in the description, as this was the first thing i was searching for. Only after searching for "group" i finally found this plugin.
Sadly it's not usable. It works fine, until you load the liveset again. Then the Groups are called "vask, 6-group, Dinpoets, petrus", and you have to press reload. And you would have to re-assign and re-load everything. If anyone can fix this, please help :)