Comments by nofi

Excellent device and very useful for creating polyrhythmic patterns. The independent step sizes and note resolutions make are liberating. Thanks!
The downloaded device file says zb.LFO.amxd NOT zb.noiseMod
Nevermind, it's in the site nav.
Couldn't find a download link on the site. :(
Awesome. I was thinking PolyBeat could be used to generate polyrhythms. I can't wait to try it out. Cheers,
Actually, I just re-read the description and got it working by sending it a midi note to start. Seems kind of counter-intuitive for a sequencer to me, but I expect you had a reason for making it that way. Sorry for the misunderstanding on my part; works to work exactly as described.
Just noticed the wheel doesn't turn with the Live transport.
I would like to work with this but couldn't get any midi notes to output. Using Live Suite v. 8.2.2 and Max v 5.1.8
Excellent, detailed video on YouTube about how this is built and functions. Very worthwhile checking out.
I love this concept, but it seems like it can cause a serious drag on resources. My CPU load meter tops off every so often with this running.
I love this concept, but it seems like it can cause a serious drag on resources. My CPU load meter tops off every so often with this running.
This is excellent. My only wish is that someone might add autofocus support. And, the panic button doesn't seem to turn everything off for me. Thanks for porting this.
Thanks for porting this. It really is excellent.
Thanks for the reply. I was able to get samples to show up in v1.1.0 by dragging the folders from the Finder rather than Live's Library browser column. I was NOT able to have the folders save as a preset (and I didn't try to save the Live set).
I wasn't able to drag a folder to the drop box in the 1.1.0 version. When I drag an audio file to one, the cursor looks like it wants to add it, but then nothing shows up. Are there specific instructions or folder names that must be exact? My specs:
Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X 10.6.3 US English, Live Suite 8.1.3, Max for Live 5.1.4
This is excellent. Is there a reason the folders and envelopes don't save with a Live set? It looks like all the other parameters DO save. Cheers,