Comments by negotiator

Thank you all for your feedback.
Unfortunately, I have stopped maintaining this device some while ago. You are free to modify it to your needs.
Thank you all for your feedback.
Unfortunately, I have stopped maintaining this device some while ago. You are free to modify it to your needs.
v1.1 uploaded: blue hand should work now

3) i didnt add buttons as there would be too much elements on the screen, but with 16 knobs you are more flexible imo
-> you can emulate every button with a macro thats mapped to it (right click on your device -> group device -> and now map one macro of the newly created device to a button you want to control)

1) hmm i could add a feature that maps all the macros of the selected device, you could also manually click on every macro!! :)

2) ah i see; good point; i could add a feature which resets all macros when remapping, otherwise macros of the currently active preset should not be erased

thx beatskk for your suggestions, i will see what i can do, i dont think that it will be hard to make these changes!

i am glad you like it, if you miss anything else, just complain about it and i will see what i can do :)
thx S, yes you can map everything with keys instead of midi (only useful for resets and presets though)

i made some modifications so that you dont have to press them twice with midi!!!!(by emulating a toogle off)

it should work the same way with keys
awww nice, will check it out as soon as i can

thank you very much for the tip!! , glad you like it :)
thx, updating to newest version solved the issue, sry didnt think of that :)
cant seem to control any other than the 1st macro in the next device chain

am i doing something wrong?
btw if you want to use more than 1 instance of loop master on different tracks, you can avoid triggering values in the other looper by applying this trick:

start each send & receive objectname with "---"
send ---start
receive ---start
its fixed now, you can loop wherever you want :)
try putting the clip in the 2nd, 3rd slot, not in the 1st clipslot

im working on improving the beatalign, will upload the fix with improved beatalign
ok i uploaded the version, squeezed loop off quant into it too :)

if you have some time play around with it, it needs some testing
(i didnt quite have the time to do it, will start tomorrow too with testing :) )

if you encounter any bugs please post, and tell me if you like it or if you want another feature
yeah im working on it as we speak ;)

i already implemented a downbeat align feature, im currently working on loop off quantization and doing some fixes in the UI.

will release it when its finished, maybe with state of the art design if my friend designer is finished by then

btw if you want the downbeatalign feature right now i can upload it when i get home today :)
problem solved with javascript
yeah man cant wait for your new patch too, excellent work so far, get well soon!!!
if you like, we could join forces and make the uber loop plugin :)
btw i have played around with the event/scheduling queuing (objects defer, deferlow, pipe & delay, preferences for scheduler & queue)
need to do more testing, but it seems that in some special cases you can completely avoid errors from; there are many variables you have to consider though

i ll also try now and dive into javascript to trigger the loops, lets hope that solves our problems
thx m8, it works now!
what do you mean by your last sentence? :)
you can loop to less than a 1/4 by pressing the 1/4 loop length button and then halving the loop with halve loop until you reach the desired loop length (min 1/16)

i will add dial loop length control in the future (added to wishlist), thx
@gawyss: you are absulotely right, that was the idea that each channel could be looped seperately, embarassing i didnt test it *blush*

i think its just a matter of sends and receives, in this case modifiying one device sends values to all omni loop devices, and this shouldnt be a problem to fix

i will look into it when i get home right away
well i have structured it the following way:
UICTRL sends all the values that the users modifies/enters and displays all relevant information

setLoop contains the complete application logic and also sets/disables loops

i thought that that way it would be easier to integrate it into another patcher

i will add more and more comments in the future, was just lazy in the beginning :)

i will also make the subpatcher for UICTRL downloadable in the future, as soon as i make some cosmetic changes

but as you stated on your blog , isnt it inefficient to make sends and receives? should i just solve it with inlets & outlets?