Comments by frz

Hi there ! Seems amazing. Is it possible to use with more than one gamepad in the same project ?
wow ! That's huge ! Great job !
@everybody :
I haven't seen the comments as i just uploaded the file and think "ok, no one will bother". And now, i just get back to this page and was surprised it intersted some people.
@offthesky :
Feel free to share your updated version ! I am very interested as I didn't solved those problems ! Thanks so much !
Thanks ;-)
Just for your information : I tried to use some of your patch, but actually without success (I am not skilled enough, definitly ;-)
Works perfectly ! Excellent !
hi there,
Great idea ! Waiting for this kind of stuff for a long time but unable to use it.
the list of input sources doesn't populate right. It is stuck on a few tracks that do not exist in my set, probably the tracks of your set. Must be missing a loadbang somewhere to reset…
Not working on mac. Too bad.
Gonna try to adapt it for mac when I have time, but it is not in the near future, sorry).
Hi there,

I am very interested in this device (i am already using dancepads, but via junxion, wich is not really handy).
The problem is : when I dl the device, it won't load in Live, and it appears as a 0 Ko file on my hardrive.
Must be a problem when you upload it on, can you re upload it, please ?
ah ah ! Don't know if the plug is worth 68$, but the text is SOMETHING !!!
Hi there !
I am using the same dancepads (the 'staycool' model) but was unable to make it work. Maybe because i am on osx. I tried to change the id list, but that didn't change : i have only one note working (the left pink arrow).
I am also trying to launch clips with the dancepads, if ever you have any tips...
Hi there !
Thanks very much for this ! I am using dancepads and it works really great ! No need for junxion anymore !
One thing i can not do is launching clips. Do you think it is possible ?
Where can I find the Lemur template ?
wow, amazing !!!
Is it normal I can not unlock to edit ? (I need to control this with my Lemur !)
yep, I think you just have to change the box "+1" into a "-1".
Nobody ?
Arg ! I am in a bind : I would like to use clip linker, wich only work w/ 8.2 and kapture, only working w/ 8.2.2
But I would like to use it in the same song.
And I do not see why clip linker is not working. In edit mode, everything seems ok for me...
Got it working with live 2.2 & m4l 5.1.8, but not with Live 8.2.2 & m4l 5.1.8
If someone knows why, any help would be appreciated, as I am using Clip Linker a lot !
wow !!!