Comments by egnouf

Yes, It will appear in your account when you log on and click on "downloads".

If you purchased directly from KVR, then It should appear in your KVR account. If not, drop me a mail at

In any cases, the upgrade is free for past customers :-)
Dear Vocox,
we forgot to answer on the maxforlive website (we answered to you on youtube a long time ago ).

Anyhow, in order to answer to your comment, we repeat once more : we did not find you in our customer DB, so everything for us is solved and you didnot loose money.

If there is still an issue, do hesitate to contact us through our website


Dear Drage,
I understand your point.
we are thinking of changing the payement system, but for the moment simple solution are not easy (always some issues on customer data). Next, if y-we want to pass through banks, then the cost is really high :(

We are not a company but a association, funds we get are used after to organise conferences for adults, event for children to learn computer music, hardware, etc.

We don't sell much , really :) but enough to be able to organise events to learn music.

but we got your point, and well we continue to investigate.
Hello itsBREX,
thanks a lot for you compliments and here are some answers to your questions:

- midi export : this is a big work to do,
I found some libs that could help me but still some works to integrate them. So for the moment this feature is on standby on my side. However, there is a workaround, you could record the midi sequences using a a second midi track where the input is set to M4L Rythm composer.

- scale : This is feasible (and I have some codes for it coming from the MeloBang Plug in) but you need to give me more details : which kind of scale to you want ?

- wizard option on the remix knob : aie, I do'nt understand what you mean, can you re explain ?

Contact me from our website if you want and I could communicate with you in direct, and give you some other plug ins to test too :)

Regards, looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Dear Vidau, Promise I will during the summer :)
I am currently updating all my plug ins :))) and new one is coming soon !
-- Would 3 instances of this in separate chains amount to less cpu than the full-fledged 8 lanes for the Pro version?

YES ! the CPU is this version is really good :-) by the way, the 8 rows as well ;-)

-- What are the other differences between the pro and the single?

The single has only ONE ROW.. the PRO version 8 ROWS...

-- How would you compare the CPU impact with other midi devices? I imagine its minuscule, but if you dragged/copied multiple instances with the transport stopped, what would it take for you to see your CPU go up 1%, for example?

I reached reached 4% :-)

-- Are all the parameters that should be visible instant mapped in a logical order on the Push?

It is automatically copied onto PUSH 1, 2 , the parameters appears logically, nicely..

-- While we're on the topic, I didn't see a Check Out button on your site. Registered thinking that licenses would show up when I was signed in, but didn't even get that far!

?? ha, I will check, normally you should go to your basket and then do the checkout. I do'nt like to push people to buy so I don't stress them with 'Check out, check out !!" :-)

I hope it answer your question, don't hesitate to send me a mail to

@braduro yes you got it !
Dear Pluto and the rest of the community ;-)

Here are my answers (and we are in touch now by private email.. you are becomiung pone of our beta tester now !)...

Q1: Does the saved user patterns are aded to the list of the 512 ones ? There is any possibility to manage that list and filter it lets say ?

When you save, you will overwrite the current preset. Let's say that you have chosen the pattern 9, you change it and save it. The prefilled 9 is overwritten. I put a 'R' button to reset all the memory and come back to the normal 512 patterns... but then you loose all your saved works.

There are no mean to filter the memory. I will put it on the wish list (I could think of adding a panel (hidden) that you could open and then filter your memories). It's not a priority to be honest.

Q2: Does the pro version has the 32 steps patterns made specifically for it or are the same 16 steps ones from the free version multiply by 2 ? I mean there is any diversification between first 16 steps and the rest of the 16 steps?

In the PRO Version, a pattern is composed of 16 steps that I double to get the 32 steps (CPU perfomance reason). But in the PRO version you have 512 patterns x 32 steps... unique 512 patterns x 32 steps :-) in the Free version you have much much much less and you can't save neither edit your patterns.

So in a sense, there is no real "difference" between 1-16 and 16-32 steps. But it let you the space to create from the 17 to 32 what ever you want, your own ryhtm and save it ! So you make your own stuff above a prefilled pattern. I thought it would be nice and with my DJ producer it uses that a lot.

Q3: Are your patterns made with techno and house in mind, I mean you analyzed specific techno and house patterns or are more randomly?

Nothing is random, We took real drummer lines: Reaggae, Funk, Salsa, Tekno and House style. BUT my DJ producer Silvio ;-) wants to create a new version with more HOUSE/Tekno oriented patterns (even we think of Drum-and-Bass). We add this is the wishlist, no prob ! For sure, in the futur you will get this !

Q4: Do you think you can add also swing presets?

Yes, and I can count on you now (we exchanged by private mail) to test the some versions with different SWING Presets. It will not be publish before a couple of weeks, as before I will release upgrades with Accents Patterns Editing/saving + Current Swing but for each rows !!

FUTURE ? In the next weeks (10 to 15 days max!) ì will publkish a new version:
- Accents Editing
- One Swing per ROws that can be changed .. (now you have the same swing for ALL the rows).
- A special version for the one who bought the plug in at the beginning (yes a surprise!!).

-- END :-)
Well done man !! Great work :-)
To chain patterns, you have to click on the box rigth under the 'R' in red. tell me if it's still doesnot work.
I have publish a light version of this patch: the Drum Box Light

enjoy -->
I am just looking at your post now :-)
I will check this behavior and tell you after if I did a mistake or not ;-)
to be honnest, I am more on a bug from me !
if so, I will correct :-))) promise!
I am just looking at your post now :-)
I will check this behavior and tell you after if I did a mistake or not ;-)
to be honnest, I am more on a bug from me !
if so, I will correct :-))) promise!
NEW Version guys! --> V1.6 , you can save presets :-)
very nice, thx man!
Excellent idea!!! thx !
thanks :-) I have to admit that I just took some COSMOD code allready done and just gather the whole into in a new patch... so we have to thank also cosmod ;-)
Well, It is possible to map to a launchpad, etc. I need to add more code to it.. and unfortunately I have issues:
- M4L is a pain with Presets.. and now I can't really change my code wihtout making the patch crashes.. I know it's strange but true!
- If I map the patch to a midi controller then it changes the philosophy, my aim was to create beats from my mouse and not from a controller (there are many patch who does that no?)

Now, I am currently working with sonic faction, we will provide soon some free patches.. .but I will also publish a new version of the Drum box.. LIGHT version, I will try then to see if I can add you functionnality :-)

I hope it answers your question?
Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your donation! thanks!
I may be wrong :-) but let me explain:
- In fact, under the button MidiMap you have X and Y boxes. - Map these two boxes X and Y on your favourite midi controller. For me, I map these two red boxes on my Bitstream joystick.
- Then click on 'midimap' on the device.
- play with you controller!

I could not map the X and Y boxes next to the circle area :-( everytime I tried to correct the code, map my controller to this boxes, I get 0 or 1 !!!

So I decided to create this two other red boxes... simply map your controller on thoses boxes (red) and only those boxes.

Tell me if I am not clear, tell me if it solves your issue. Really don't hesitate :-)
I may be wrong :-) but let me explain:
- In fact, under the button MidiMap you have X and Y boxes. - Map these two boxes X and Y on your favourite midi controller. For me, I map these two red boxes on my Bitstream joystick.
- Then click on 'midimap' on the device.
- play with you controller!

I could not map the X and Y boxes next to the circle area :-( everytime I tried to correct the code, map my controller to this boxes, I get 0 or 1 !!!

So I decided to create this two other red boxes... simply map your controller on thoses boxes (red) and only those boxes.

Tell me if I am not clear, tell me if it solves your issue. Really don't hesitate :-)
Excellent !
bug corrected :-) (well I hope ;-) )
bug corrected :-) (well I hope ;-) )
oki, I will check. I come back asap with a new version :-)
Thanks a lot for your comment! I appreciate :-)

so I wil try to add accent --> decay and volume for the next version, and,
what do you mean by 'now I have the rnd button...' ? you want a random button ? why not!


Thanks for your comment.
I will try to reproduce your issue on my setup.
I come back to you asap with a solution :-)
looks really efficient!
I am looking forward to testing it :-)
Looks really really interesting!! I downloaded and I will test it soon :-)
Oki, I understand now :-)
In fact, I will look at what could be done to overcome this "issue".
could be just a setting in my patch.. let me check.. I come back as soon as I can :-)
"Not my usecase then, though."
I don't understand, sorry!

what do you mean?
Hello, and thanks for appreciating the tool :-)

about your issue -> you need to save the patterns in the tool using the "store" button. otherwise it doesnot save the presets, etc.

tell me if it solved your problem ?
You are right, there are no differences!

in fact I put in red this row to make a User interface / look different. at the beginning, I just wanted to use this row just for my percussion sounds and I wanted to make it more visible than the other 4 rows. that's all. it is just a cosmetic thing :-)
you are right for the pattern recall ;-) it's not intended to create beat on the fly :-)

you don't have programming skills but you have most important: good ideas and good way of thinking to implement things easily ;-)

note I try to keep things simple.. so I may perhaps try to create a button that switch the interface from simple to extended. in extended you have the 64 steps...

I will check your links and try to work on something.. good that you gave me some links, I can then try to copy those codes and implement it into the M4L drum box.

talk to you soon (well... I hope!)
youah! I checked your draw and I understand better want to acheive. I have to be honnest with you and I have to admit that this is a "big" change in the sequencer max for live methods. It is not impossible to implement , it might be long for my level of programming :-(

I should publish soon a new version with:
- more LFO types (random, etc) and,
- 5 recall slots; you put inside those slots any presets you saved and want to recall using a midi controller -> You can map those slots with any midi controller and when you click on a PAD on the luanchpad or the quneo or akaki mpk... the slots selected is automatically recalled... this give you the possibility in live to change on the fly and with a lot of ease the presets... hope it will be clearer when I will publish the new version ;-)

Take care and I keep your idea in mind and will think of it little by little :-)


PS: can you send me the image to my personal email (egnouf AT gmail DOT com) as I could not save it into my hard disk?
I got you ;-)

just few remarks:
- I thought a lot about adding the launchpad, quneo, etc... to this patch but when I started to create this tool (few months ago), I wanted to play drums while I was in a train, hotel, etc... no need to have a controller.

I thought that if you had a launchpad, there are many patches for M4L that connect to launchpad, mono, etc. I guess I am wrong or well, those patches are not UI friendly or donot adress specific needs?

- I wonder how I can map efficiently the M4L drum box to the laucnhpad.

I have a quneo and how do I display the 5 rows and 16 steps on the pads efficiently? I am not speaking in terms of programming but more in terms of "user interface".
if you have any hint - pictures with your ideas are welcome - I would love to read them: it could help me :-)

no, you can't use it with launchpad :-(

I don't have this controller.

your idea to control the M4L drum box with a controller like Launchpad and quneo is a very nice idea.

let me think about it and check how this can be handle.
Yes, I can. you can have Wooden or Metal ones :-)

I have developed a new version (I am testing it still)... with 5x LFOs section (you will be able to modulate any paramater automatically) and Shift pattern functions.

Hope you will like it ;-)

I will update it only in 10 days (testing, and I want to make a short video to show how versatile and experimental can be this tool).

Thanks again for your support!