Comments by docprosper

glad you like it... someday I'll try to integrate some other random generators other than the drunken walk. Enjoy!
BTW, I've got a thread going on this device:

hit the jump for comments, issues, requests, etc.
BTW, I've got a thread going on this device:

hit the jump for comments, issues, requests, etc.
no problem... enjoy!
No problem. Let me know if you have any other questions, and have fun with it!
hey - I saw you have the same comment on both devices, but they do different things. This one (doc drunken effect) is a parameter sequencer. It only affects parameters. Put it in a track with another effect/instrument that has a parameter you want to modulate. Click the refresh button, and use the drop down menus to select the parameter you want to modulate. Make sure the gate button is activated to gate the sequencer levels out to the parameter. Pop me your e-mail if you're still stuck, or hit me up at the ableton forum, screenname docprosper.

p.s. activate the info view in Live, and when you roll over the various controls of my patch hints should appear.
hey - I saw you have the same comment on both devices, but they do different things. This one (doc drunken pitch) is a note sequencer. Put it in front of an instrument (operator, analog, etc), make sure the "note on" button is activated, and draw some notes out (or let the drunken walk draw some). Make sure the min and max levels are set in the middle somewhere, if they are very low you may not hear the notes. If this doesn't work hit me with your e-mail and I will try to help you further.
(you can also ping me at the ableton forum, I am "docprosper".
thanks man... lemme know how it works for you & if you have any recs for future upgrades. Ya'll can find me at the ableton forum as well, screenname docprosper.
quote: "Amazing device. Is there anyway to save the device mapping in the set? I am currently having to remap every time I open the set."

Agreed. Let me know if anyone's cracked that nut, as I just wrapped this into my own device & would like to save the mapping. It looks like a loadbang clears some things on re-opening; I haven't tried disabling that to see if it works or what side effects there might be.

Love this device either way ;)
Can someone please confirm that there is a graphic embedded in this version? It works on my computer but I want to make sure it exported properly.
ok guys... version 1.2 should be midi mappable. Sorry this took so long; life is distracting ;)

ping me if there are issues with this new feature.
cuc0ello - I will look into this.