Comments by ddashfens

Excited to use this with my new Push2 in order to control Arturia MiniV via midi CC (since it's not very assignable via ableton auto assign).


I'm using 4 instances, each in their own group with macro knobs assigned to each CC value. But it seems only one instance can be used at one time.

For example, there are 4 groups labeled A,B,C and D (from left to right) each containing an instance of CC map8. In this configuration A, B, and C will not be able to control the midi assigned. Only D will be able to control. Disabling group D will allow C to function, but A and B will still not work.

Just curious if I'm doing something wrong, or is this just the way it works.

This is great!!!

I was going to make one for myself and am ecstatic that instead I can use this to get straight to creating with my newly modded EX800. Is there a reference manual for this? I am curious how to implement the randomize feature.

Amazing work and thanks so much for putting the time into this :)