Comments by chrisfreeq


Brilliant device, thanks for making this!
Would it be possible to make it support group tracks as well?
If a group track is selected, the progress bar doesn't show.

This is dope, but I'm having issues with it.
Every time I select a midi track, I get a maxforlive Error dialog with this: Warping is only available for Audio Clips
live.object: get path: error calculating the path
Also, when using this plugin; I'm unable to properly resize MIDI clips; whan I click and drag a clip's end, and let go of the mouse button, It's still adjusting the clip length, I click several times until it eventually "lets go" of the clip.

These issues did not occur in the previous version of ClipGain.
I've been using the uTonic for over 15 years, I love it. Recently acquired a Push 2. Thank's a lot for the great work on this, looking forward to trying it out properly :-)