Comments by WeirdNoise

Hi Rivanni and thanks for your message.
We didn't had the time to update and test these plugins for Ableton Live 11. We will do it ASAP !

Great, thanks for sharing ;-) !
Hi and thanks for your answer !
I tried to listen to my guitar in parallele with a synth trigged by MIDI Guitar and I was'nt able to achieve a good latency... even with latency correction from this device or from ableton. I'm using Metric Halo interface that have no latency at all (DSP) and I think that it will don't work for my purpose.

Anyway, thank for your support !
even with the best buffer settings I've got too much latency to play with correctly. This device is a really good idea but I don't know if this kind of device can be fast enough with M4L and ableton...
Kind regards
Hi @Ciclotrone,
to be really clear, here is a link with this issue :

I tried to change object [M4L.api.DeviceParameter] by [M4L.api.DeviceParameterRemote] and it's not really a good solution at all for this purpose.

I already removed and hide some unused control in version 2.1. It may do the trick. Please let me know if it's better for you !

Hi @Alespardo,
thanks for your words :-)
I just released a new version with auto update options.
I think it can fix your issue. So please disable auto update on version 2.1 and it should be way better. If you change anythning in your chains, just hit refresh button so you are "in sync" with all devices...
Just let me know if its ok !

Hello @JZ1978,
sorry but I don't really understand what your are looking for !

This this is meant to be placed just before a rack to bypass devices inside each unselected chains. You have to set each chain with the good chain selector (1, 2, 3 and so on...). So the signal passes only through the selected chain...

Please tell me more about this option that your are looking for !

Hi @Ciclotrone,
thanks for your post.

It's seems that some objects in M4L ( are writing directly into the ableton history (undo/redo). So your previous tweaks are far in this history queue... this is a known issue with this object. I should use live.remote instead but I have to rewrite this plugin and I don't think that it will be possible to achieve the same results...
I'll do my best !!!

Kind regards
Good idea but don't work for me too...
Anyway, thanks for sharing this !


By the way,
this patch is made for Max4live, not for standard Max/MSP licence...
What do you mean by load it in max ? You mean "open to edit it" ?
Hello MrDrennan and thanks for your comments.
Are you up to date with both Max4Live and Ableton ?

Kind regards
Thanks !
Great, thanks a lot !
Really cool !
Thanks a lot for sharing this !


Hey Spiralune,
thanks for your comments !

Chain selector is already recallable by clip.
For this, simply automate the envelop of chain parameter !


Great thanks !!!
Hello and thanks a lot for sharing this. The UI is really well made !!!
Unfortunately, I've got issues with your plugin as it breaks other plugin functionnality. I asked to a programmer if he can find the problem and here is his report. Just to share with you. Hope that helps ! I'll will not use this version of that plug as it is not enough efficient for my purpose but thanks again ;-)

Here are the comments from the programmer :
" the issue is within the "DSI_PRO2_NRPN_to_Sysex.js" file on line 25: "eval = array[0];" does not make sense. It's replacing the eval object with something else, which means no script will be able to use eval() anymore. Since all Max for Live devices exist in the same "universe" so to speak, they can break each other like this. To fix this, I think simply deleting that line or commenting it out should solve the problem. I could do it as well and send you a modified version of the device, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed as it's not my work that I would be sharing.

In general, his JavaScript code is not very efficient either. There are 401 functions calls happening just on loading the device and these functions have a massive amount of if statements. This is probably a big reason why it takes so long to load the device and I haven't checked how often these functions are being called while using the device yet. I would be careful using this device, especially with many instances and in a live setting as you probably do."