Comments by Tweekhead

Hello again!

I figured out how to fix the issue of not being able to copy and paste! I needed to delete my Cycling74 preference file. Instructions are below for anyone else who had this issue!

This is truly one of the most amazing plugins I've ever used! If you don't own this, buy it!!!!

I've been emailing with Ess and for some reason, the copy paste feature isn't working for me for either copying a step with P-locks and pasting to another step, or copying and pasting a pattern to another page. I'm on a Macbook Pro with Ventura 13.6.4, Ableton 12.0.1, and Max 8.6.1. Anyone else having this issue?

Still a fantastic device!

Hello again,

Although the creator of this plugin has been in touch with me and explained that the Max4Live version of this plugin cannot accept incoming audio and only the Max version functions as in the videos, I did not purchase the plugin for Max. I bought it as a plugin for Ableton. This may be a great plugin that can produce amazing sounds, but I'm not interested in using Max alone to make this. I want to use it in Ableton.

Hopefully I can get my refund considering the advertising on this site as a Max4Live plugin and the failures as a Max4Live plugin

When I'm in Live 10 (under the settings button) in the audio section, I only have Audio setup Mixer interpolation as an option. In Max I have the option to record sample, but I bought it for use in as a Max for Live as a plugin. Any ideas? I can't even see a record button on the main GUI in Ableton. I tried emailing from your main site last night, but couldn't find an option to upload a photo.


I 100% agree, but let's push the envelope! I don't have the skills, nor ever plan to have the Max4live skills to create these devices. I will create noise, annoyance, music, whatever you want to call it, but I need more:) I've been trying to mentally convert song structures written in guitar, bass, piano, etc... to other instrumentation. please, if Monolake can make Granulator and it does what I want it to do, you can make an oscillator that can sweep single samples that I can load. Lastly, The Ren'e style sequencer would help create happy accidents:) I can shat out a tune that sucks on an acoustic instrument, but is incredible electronically. I feel the absolute need to sing over electronic music mixed with whatever I can pull off.

I had a modular system for a while, and ended up selling all the modules due to financial needs at the time. Anyways, I bought the environment and am happily pleased with it, but I was wondering if any of the more modern modules were planned to be emulated.

I'm not asking you to rip off The Harvestman modules, or Make noise modules, but it would be incredible to have a Piston Honda, Maths, etc... style module. Also, sequencers like Ren'e interfaced via ipad? The possibilities are endless and it's great to have it in the Live app, but everything I just bought (aside from polyphony) I already had in Reaktor.

I'm eagerly awaiting more:)


Absolutely love the deck!

Hello again! I did some testing, and I used Ableton's mono sequencer, Sting by Skinnerbox, and the Uzz sequencer.

The only sequencer giving my external synths stuck notes is the Uzz. I have to power them off and on again to get them to stop.
This is everything from my Minibrute, Moog synths, and Korg synths.

Is it possible to add a panic button that would give all an notes off to the sequencer? It's very usable with soft synths, but I bought it to use with my externals.

Can you help me out?

I'm sporadically having issues with stuck notes on external synths when I use the sequencer. Anyone else having this issue?
Once again..... Why is this in the free device library.......