Comments by SimonR

Off-sync rendering issue should be fixed now!
@FreddyFingaz: The top line stretches higher velocity values more than lower velocity values, and vice-versa. Generally, you'll want to use the top line for compressing higher values and the bottom line for compressing lower values. But you can also use them for expanding values. You can try playing with automation envelope stretching (either in Arrangement view or Clip Automations) to get a better idea. My device is designed in the same way (minus the left and right handles which make no sense in this case).
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be an easy fix for this. I have no idea why it would go off-sync only when freezing the track. I'm not really using the device any longer and don't have the time to look into it.

If someone wanted to try to fix this, I would say the best way to go at it would be to find an arpeggiator that doesn't have that problem and compare the patching related to the synchronization with Live's transport.
The description pretty much says it all. You need to put this device on a MIDI track and then set the input of your various instrument tracks to that MIDI track (with Automation Capture in it) in order to get the MIDI messages when you record.
Unfortunately, I don't have any keyboard with note off velocity, so I have no use for it. I highly advise you to implement it yourself though. You don't have to know how to code to be able to modify Max patches. Read a bit of tutorials and you should be able to implement Note Off velocity to MIDI Hub within a day (that's how I learned). :)
Hi Lorenzo,

Glad you're finding my devices useful! As you can probably guess, I develop them for my own purposes and share them freely, and I don't have much time to manage requests and so forth...

8CC Mapper and Expression Control I've stopped using (Expression Control basically became MIDI Hub) so I won't be updating. It's safer to simply load the devices and then do the mappings, rather than duplicate or import a template file from the browser.

As for MIDI Hub's performance, I do remember improving the CPU performance a while ago, but can't remember if it was before the updates I uploaded here... so I just uploaded the latest version I have on my computer and hopefully you'll see a bit of improvement (can't say for RAM, I haven't tested it).

I do realize that MIDI Hub can be a bit overkill if one is using less than its 8 MIDI "stations", so I created lately a device that is basically a 1 station version of it, so you get all the benefits of MIDI Hub minus the unnecessary load on RAM and CPU. You just have to be ok with having 8 instances, rather than the more slick-looking 1 instance. In the end, I think it's much more beneficial (you can always group all the individual instances together and hide them).

Message me at if you want.
@mindprints: yes, simply select "Pre" in the Track output menu for grabbing the selected MIDI message pre-device and output it.
@keegan : what kind of message do you need to be sending to your hardware? MIDI Hub isn't able to convert CC messages to Program Changes. It can modify the scale of Program Changes and map the input of Program Changes to any mappable parameter.
Oops, not sure what went wrong...should be working now.
Good idea. I just added Program Changes.
Ah, you're right. I fixed something for the first map button but forgot to do so for all the others. Should be fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out.
@offthesky yeah there's really no way to make this work perfectly because object ids are attributed by Live in some sort of a semi-random fashion. I still left the button there because it might save you a few seconds and also for logic's sake since every other parameter has one, but there's no way afaik to automatically map 8 buttons to 8 macros. The button is turned off by default to not remap all other mappings when loading the Live Set.
Hey Julien, I'm very sorry I totally forgot about that...I should've written a note about it at the time. I updated the description.
@NickHydeViolin : I can't seem to replicate your bug. If you open an empty Live Set and load a default instance of Arp Control (no preset), is it still happening? Make sure the Random Variations is at 0 and you're in Sync mode.
@Ginza : did you have an instance of the original Arp device loaded in the same set? I did some tests and this issue only happened when I loaded the original Arp. I changed the name of some objects which seemed to resolve the conflict on my end. Let me know if that worked out well for you.
@GarrettNorvell : pm me at if you want help to customize it. My music has taken a different direction and probably won't be working on the arp for quite some time, but I can help you if you have specific questions. Keep learning to use Max, it's going to give you great freedom!

Can you pm me at I'm curious as to how you've used your SWAM instruments.
Yes, sorry about that. It had to do with the Random Delay implemented. I'll work on a better solution for it to trigger randomness before and after the beat, rather than acting simply as a delay.
Hi, I'd love to use that, but it's missing a file called ddg.v2mono in the "toMono" patcher. I think you'll need to freeze your device before uploading it.
Hi, I'd love to use that, but it's missing a file called ddg.v2mono in the "toMono" patcher. I think you'll need to freeze your device before uploading it.
@iloyd : sorry for the slow response. My guess is that your Record Quantization is set to 1/16. When I set it to None, Rendering sounds perfect and frozen as well. Let me know if that worked ok for you!
@braduro : Can't you manage the device file so that you reference the preset to the device? Or do you have to that everytime?

Does this happen to everyone? I've never downloaded any M4L device with presets so I can't see for myself.
Thanks you two! I did send it to Christian Kleine. :)

@iloyd : thanks, will check this out, although I doubt that's something I could correct inside the patch...
Hi Will, thanks for this useful device! I'd really love to be able to get all 128 MIDI notes in the octave range if that's possible... :)

Hey, thanks for this really useful and simple device! I'm having some problems with it ever since I upgraded to High Sierra though (I think...not sure if it's related...). Every time I do a render, the device stops outputting notes (so no output for that track on the render and no output after that). I have to load the device again for it to work again. Would it be possible to fix this? :)

Really useful device for live performance! Thanks!

I have one small problem: when I map the Transpose button to a Note Value on my controller, it only alternates between On and Off rather than reacting like it would when you click on it. My FCB1010 somehow can't send CC messages that trigger actions on and off (like a click), so I need to use Note values instead (like for Looper). Do you think it would be possible to make the Transpose button react as it should with Note Values? That would make my live performance so much easier. Thanks! :)

Thanks for this device! Very intuitive and easy-to-use while offering lots of possibilities.

There seems to be a problem with the Reset button, as every time I click it the drums continue to play and the lights go out when the vertical scroller passes only to reappear when the sequence starts again.

Some ideas:
- Would you consider adding the possibility to save and recall presets? There are simple patterns I'd like so start with and then change on the fly. Maybe the right column of buttons could be used to change presets on the fly?
- Maybe use a right-column button for Scroll On/Off. Or replace the Start/Stop button with it, as this is not so useful in performance.

Hey there! Is there any way to fix that bug AkaMed mentioned? I prefer your pitch shifter to other ones I've seen, but it's just a little annoying the fact that I have to readjust the pitch each time I reopen my sets.
