Comments by RoamingProfile

I should add... Ableton Live 11.3.10, Max 8.5.5, MacBook Pro 2013 running Mojave 10.14.6
Hi, I emailed you over the weekend but following up here to say I'm finding the same issue with REACT8 too. Mapping is not adhering to the target feature of other M4L devices.

Mapping seems to work OK for stock Ableton devices, eg Operator. But if I try and map to a M4L device, eg Auxture's Filter 1 cutoff, the mapping either adheres to the selection (rarely) or a different, nearby knob is mapped instead. Very frustrating!

I've then tried mapping using a different device, eg LFO or MAP8 from Max For Live Essentials pack, and mapping functions as designed. So there's definitely something not quite right in the mapping functionality of your REACT_ (and npLFOseq) devices.
A promising device, but having only just picked it up today (5-Aug-23) I'm finding it doesn't provide a solid signal between the send and receive instances, and 'MIDI of this track' (MIDI Thru?) doesn't always work.

That said, I am running Live 11.3.2 and Max 8.5.3, whilst the latest device update was made in L11.3.4 and M8.5.4, AND the set I've replaced instances of the similar 'Hub' device with Wormhole, so perhaps this is impacting stability in my set?

The animation in the corner is a bit confusing. My brain wants it to connect to actual data connectivity, but it seems to be just an animated gif, which is distracting.

On the receiver side, I'd love to see not only the note range configurable, but also notes within the range blocked in the same way CC#s can be via the Configure pop-out window. Having the MIDI monitor be on a show/hide panel would also be a good improvement.

On the whole, MIDI Wormhole show TONS of potential! I'm going to go update to L11.3.4 and M8.5.4, create a new Live set and see if connectivity improves.
Legend! Thank you for creating and sharing this!!!
Thanks for creating and sharing this! Ditto with the DX200 usage. May blow the dust off of some of my other old Yamaha FM stuff now :)