Comments by Pierrot2302

Hi !

I bought the v1, do I need to buy the v2 ?
Bonjour naerliona !

Tout d'abord bravo pour le drag and drop, très intéressant !

"Ce patch permet d'alterner entre deux actions de ClyphX."

Serait-il possible de remplacer les actions Clyphx par des boutons "Map" ?!
I forgot to mention, in conjonction with an app called "Skym" the previous version was a very nice way record movements of an EQ8 point, specially in a live situation.
Hi ! Thanks for your reactivity and your work !

IMHO it's a new device now, because of the "map" button instead of the "learn" one. Not a bad thing in some cases but the device acts in a very different way now.

What I found awesome in the previous version was, for exemple, the ability to learn freq and gain from an EQ8 band and move this band directly from the device. With this new version this became impossible...

Maybe you could make 2 differents devices with these 2 approaches since they act differently. I think both can be useful.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to explain, english is not my native language so I not sure i'm clear enough... sorry if i'm not !

Otherwise "undo history" problem is fixed now (really convenient ! :) ) and synchronisation is a nice add !

Again, thanks for your work !
Love your devices !
This one is particularly cool !
I noticed few problems make it a bit annoying to use (and re-use):

- The undo history thing (each moves from bve.automate is repertoriated in the undo history of Live)

- I experienced few sync problems, I would love a sync button to synchronise, at least, with the Live transport (play/stop)

- A way to adjust amplitude and offset for each knob would be a super addition :)
+1 for a demo !
@stevenash Great !!!
Maybe better to write in English :)

Hi Spiralune !

Would it be possible to refresh the device automatically ?
It seems this device auto-refresh:

PS: Sorry for the double post !

le premier "?" était un "a" accent grave :)
Hi Steve !

Very interesting/promising !

Would it be possible to make an auto-coloring track device based on the track name ?

To give an exemple, Reaper have this feature:

Thanks !

Salut Spiralune :)

Serait il possible de rafraichir automatiquement à chaque mouvement ?
Comme ici il me semble:
Hi !

I also bought this and can't get it work properly...
Nothing moving in the layout like @diskorduk
A tutorial would be very appreciated ! :)

Thanks for your others products by the way, nice tools !