Comments by NoraPatches

Hey @titaniclover69
Thank you for supporting my work. I haven’t yet noticed this behaviour, but I’ll open the device and see what could result in a click when passing 0% on the Combo Filter. In theory at 0% both the LP and HP filters should be true bypassed, so maybe it’s related to this.
I would like to ask for your patience until I can diagnose and fix this error or you can also ask for a refund at if time is of the essence. If you choose to get a refund please email me from the address you made the GumRoad purchase with, so I can identify you. :)

Hey there! I do apologise indeed that is a mistake, it is solely for SESSION VIEW indeed. You can see a video where I mess with the plugin, the link is in the description :)
Thanks for highlighting the error!
First of all, thank you for supporting my work!
With kind feedback from a user, I’m currently working on implementing a solution where Local mode will have to be set to Off and the synth will be hooked up from/to Live like if it were a VST, this will enable us to overcome the automation issue you described. I only ask for a bit of patience, please, I’m working on multiple devices parallel at the moment, but I’ll try to hurry up with the update. Program Change messages should simply go theough with the latest version however.
A PDF manual is in-progress for all my past (and for the future) devices as well!
Thank you for supporting my work!
Yeah, currently the device uses only [ctlin] and [ctlout] only, any other incoming MIDI is ignored.
I will introduce version 4 soon, I’ll fix this in that update :)
Yes, well it goes like the following:
Clicking on the little boxes already saves a preset of all visible GUI elements into a slot
The SAVE and LOAD buttons export/import all the saved preset slots

The reason for the dials not displaying value is solely to fit the UI in the small try view better, the main intended use of such MIDI editors is to map modulation sources such as LFOs so the value wouldn't necessarily be fixed anyway.
I'll try to reshape the UI to somehow fit in the values too in a future update
Hey there STeF,
The save and load buttons enable the user to save or load a .json file which is the Max preset format.
My editor doesn't support SysEx dumps, only MIDI CC.

@eyeala it doesn't work in Live 11 yet
Thanks for leaving a comment, I checked my mailbox and I found your mail that was redirected to spam due to the link :( I'm going through it now and will reply shortly :)
Thank you for supporting my work with your purchase!

I think exporting a full patch dump would be available via a SysEx command, but unfortunately my plugin doesn't support SysEx yet, it's a plan for the future though.

I'm confused on how do they do it, I think there could be some hard mapping to the synth, but the plugin somehow has to read the MIDI from the synthesiser. Could you please name some of these devices so I could investigate further? :)
Please leave a comment or e-mail me at norapatches at icloud dotcom!
Hi @Khefera
According to pajen (the creator of the fw1.09) there is a new menu item while turning on the volca fm while holding FUNC, please try both the “Yamaha” mode and the “volca” modes.
P.S. soon the version II Pro is coming out as well, with window GUI and sysex load/ave functions, it’s a matter of weeks now!
@alexv860 fw 2.0.2
It should be embedded here and over the external link (both free) as well. Please check via external link too!
@beathaven unfortunately I did not find any MIDI implementation chart for the K2 online, neither do I own that gear, but I'll keep searching! If there is a manual, I can build a device for it! :) P.S. I'm a dudette! :)
@Crampe I'll definitely check out your device, I wasn't aware of it before
I was just having enough of the secondary functions hiding on the hardware and kept forgetting how to turn them on/off so I followed the user manual and built this patch :)
Hey there, awesome device, works perfectly fine here! Ableton Live 10.1 Max 8.1.0
UODATE: I think I know what can be your issue: the Volca FM has to have FW v1.0.9 installed, because it seems that only the SysEx parameter changes are not working for you, only MIDI CC changes.

The official v1.0.7 FW doesn't let you modulate the individual SysEx parameters, only a bulk dump (working on it already btw)

Hello there,
I am unsure about this version issue, I haven't used any objects that would not have existed in Max7 as to my best knowledge.

In the .amxd format I have hidden the MIDI device selector umernu object, due to device automatically sending midiout to the same track it is on, in Ableton.

Do you experience this issue when running from Ableton or from Max7?
If you use it from Max7, scroll a bit down in the editor window to see MIDI selector umenu object, maybe that helps!
If you open the device in Max7
Hello, will it work with apc20 as well?