Comments by Krabmi

Very efficient ! Thank you.

The best stuff would be to be able to offset the beat... Like for example having a send to delay mapped to a counter time or off the beat to get the effect sent on a snare and not on the kick (example again...) Not just on the beat...
Don't know if it's hard to do...

Annyway, thank you for sharing.


Doesn't seem to work properly on Live 11.3.4
When dropped on a track, colors change as predicted but then they stay lit the same without following the navigation (scoll up or down via navigation pads on push 2)
Then each time they're being pressed, the scenes buttons reverse to green and then stay green...

Would be awesome (and necessary as it is not free...) to get an update !!
Kepp up the good work.


(would be good to have just a few words on how it woks on this page too...)
Hi Maxime.

Snake is such an inspiring tool for improvisation... Thanks a lot for this !

I was wondering (request :) ): Do you think that's possible to enter directly (type in) the range amount to get instant results with midi mapping ? eg. I have a four sample bank in my eurorack sampler and I want to randomly trig only the four corresponding notes... At the moment it's quiet difficult to select a precise range just by clicking on the line...

Anyway, keep up the good work !!

Thanks a lot again !

These devices are great ! Thank you very much for posting...
It will be priceless regarding to live performing for theater and dance shows...

Anyway, I wanted to know if inside the "audio matrix" it would be possible to make routing changes on the fly automatable and then recordable.

Actually for live purposes it's great to change the routing content of a preset on the fly but theses changes are not midi recorded in the arrangement view (at least it's possible to record receiving tracks in audio but then the timings and routing actions are fixed...)

Or maybe there's a trick to somehow do the same with another technique ?

This is a great plugin anyway, I'l make good use of it !!

Nice !
thanks for posting

I broke my sound because of you !


Keep it up !
Edit : It starts but 12 minutes later :))

Was not even thinking about it and then (live was still playing silentlly) a completly crazy arp came out in my living room !

what a surprise !

Looks great but for me It doesn't even start...

Maybe I do something wrong...

Thank you for posting anyway !
... really not a programmer !

Hope you'll find time and faith to dig for a solution...

Thanks again, it is close to perfect anyway !

So I tried with the remote version and it is actually midi mappable, which is a good thing !

But now the morpher knob isn't macro mappable anymore inside an effect rack...

Sorry to bother you again I would change it if I could ! But I really have no idea how, I'm rea
Hey again.

Wanted to ask a question...
parameter knobs are not midi mapable ?

didn't try with the "remote" version... I'll try.

Thanks man !

Amazing !

You'll just set me free for my next live performance project !!

Keep up the (very) good work !

I'll let you know when I'll test it...
Thanks for the quick answer !
Hope you'll find time... This would be a total game changer for me ! (and some others for sure :) )

Tanks again and be safe !

Thanks for posting this, it is absolutly great !

I wonder :

Do you think it's possible to implement a function so it is possible to override any current state of parameters and go from this random state to a preset of my choice... ?

I'm actually trying to figure out how to switch smoothly from any current random state of send parameter (while playing / improvising) to a fixed one but without any written (preset) starting point...

Cause for the moment I can only automate for example a blend/switch from, let's say preset 1 to preset 2 by launching a dummy clip with automation from one preset to another but NOT from current state (no preset, just some state after tweaking knobs) to a particular preset...

I hope that I'm clear enough and will be happy to read some answers...

Thanks a lot anyway, your plugin is great !

Cheers from France.