Comments by JD

This is super cool! Thanks for sharing!
Save your money. This device is basically unusable and developer hasn't updated in a year. Uses so much CPU that it actually lags the Ableton's rendering to the point where it looks like a slideshow and you can see the current time bar jump from point to point. This is on an M1 Ultra machine as well.

What's worse, it actually gets *exponentially* slower in some N^2 way the bigger the window is. So if you want to have the window larger than 100x50px good luck.
Holy moly!! I've been getting into playing beats through OSC on an iPad and it really helps to have it quantized, but I also wanted to add some groove while playing live. This is EXACTLY what I needed! Thank you so much!
Dang is this using some compiled libs? Not compatible with Apple Silicon :(