Comments by HWood

Really like this, it's doing the Undo buffer fill thing though. Other than that, really quick to get get things mapped & moving fast, I was looking for something that did roughly this, cheers.
Very nice, cheers! Works great racked in parallel too.
Wicked, cheers.
This is so very useful, one of my most-used devices for sure. I hacked it together with zb.densityModulation as I use them together a lot. It's here:
Thanks again, great device.
Hey, thanks for this, I use it quite a bit with generative work!
I hacked it together with Rnd's Density as I found I used them together a lot. It's here if you'd like a look:
I've done an edit of this at

Solves stuck notes, tempo ratio passing, added separate randomisation for pitch, delay and duration, and tidied the code somewhat.