Comments by Funkatronics

Hello everybody! I apologize for not getting back to these requests sooner, but I will try to implement everyone's feedback as soon as I can!

@Crampe I should be able to get that floating window added for ya, but it may be a bit of a CPU hog. Sometimes the floating windows can have a bad impact on Live's framerate for some reason, even when using the gpu to render the window content.

@GarrettNorvell this a great idea, I'll see what I can do!

@atanaka I appreciate you bringing this up. I prefer to make my plugins look as native to Ableton as possible, so this is really great feedback for me. Ill get this fixed up in the next version.

Thank you all so much for all of the feedback and kind words here, I'll try to get a new version out ASAP!

- Funkatronics
Hi @M4Luser, sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

The Match button attempts to match the levels of all the spectrums so you can compare the frequency content without having to gain match manually. So internally it dynamically raises/lowers the gain of the incoming signals to match the main signal (from the track the plugin is placed on). This DOES NOT affect the actual levels of the sounds played back trough Ableton. It only changes the levels being displayed in Mix Matcher. Hopefully that clears things up for you.

Yes, the signals are always measured and displayed POST mixer. So changing the volume at the track fader will change the level of the graph displayed in Mix Matcher (unless the Match button is enabled!)

I will see what I can do about these 2 features you've requested. These are great ideas, and I think they are doable. I'll try to get these rolled out in a new version ASAP!

Thank you so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it!

- Funkatronics
Hi @bigwitch. Sorry for the bug you are experiencing. I have been trying to reproduce this issue so I can find a fix, but I am not able to replicate what you are seeing. Without reproducing the problem, it can be really difficult or impossible to debug these sorts of issues. Also, I am a Windows user, and don't have access to a Mac for testing/debug. Hopefully this isn't a Mac specific problem.

Could you send me a simple Live set that reproduces the issue using stock Ableton plugins (just to make sure I have the right instruments to run the set)? You can send it to my email at

Sorry I can't be of more help at the moment, I would like to get this issue fixed for ya. Thank you for the feedback and for using my device! I really appreciate it!
@Crampe I implemented the algorithm EXACTLY as described in the ITU-R 1770.4 and EBU 128 papers. It has been tested with the test files provided on the EBU website. Feel free to download those test files and check for yourself!

A floating window is a great idea! Ill see if I can implement this in the near future.

Thank you!

- Funkatronics
This looks AWESOME! Nice work
@tmoore, I fixed the majority of the undo history issues in version 1.0.1. However, in order to perform the audio routing in this device, live.object is used to set the audio inputs to the plugin~ object. So when the device is loaded, or the user selects a new audio source for the A or B input, the live.object updates the audio input and creates an "Undo Change" in the undo history representing this change.

Unfortunately, this is the default behavior of live.object and I cannot find a way to change this. If anyone has any ideas on how to get around this, please reach out to me!

If you need to undo though Mix Matcher's "Undo Change" you can, you just may need to reload the plugin or reset your input selection. I apologize for this inconvenience, and I will continue to look for a solution to this problem. The rest of the weird undo history messages have been fixed so hopefully this version works better for you.

I believe I have fixed the issue with the undo history getting borked. Try out version 1.0.1 and let me know how it works for ya.

Sorry again for the delay on this bug fix!

@bubbleandsquawk and bonkorama, sorry for the delay, I will look into this issue ASAP!
@broah, Yes that device is actually what inspired me to make Mix Matcher. I was so disappointed by that plugin that I just had to make my own =)

Multi Analyzer uses an incorrect FFT algorithm and (when I used it) it wouldn't let you analyze the audio of the track that the plugin was placed on. This really bugged me, so I made my own. In my testing, Mix Matcher also uses significantly less CPU, so that is another reason I prefer it.

It looks like Multi Analyzer has been updated since I used it, so maybe these issues were fixed.

Thanks for your comment!

Thanks @ekaku! Its always a pleasure to see my work being used. Good luck your productions!
@ascoltatore, that was not intentional, but yes my screenshot looks a lot like that album cover.

The Goniometer draws what are known as Lissajous curves:

You can make some really cool shapes and animations by applying different sine waves to the left and right channels. Maybe I'll make a a video synth in the future that works on this principal.

Thanks for downloading and for your comment!
Thanks broah!