Comments by Akiva

Thank you for updating! How can I figure out what version I'm on?
Also, I'm on Windows 11.
Hi Alkman,
I really love your Euclidean Seq Pro. I'm a customer. I downloaded 1.2. I am using Live 11.1. There is a bug on my system. The Arpeggiator doesn't take the MIDI in on channel D. It only pulls the MIDI from the sequencer. I have selected "active on" for D in the Arpeggiator popup, and "from MIDI clip or keys". It still pulls from the sequencer. If I select "from sequencer" it also pulls from the sequencer. The other three channels A-C work fine with pulling MIDI from a clip in the Arpeggiator. I'm sure this is a quick fix. Would appreciate if you are able to turn it around quickly. I'm using it for a current composition. Much thanks.