Device Details


Name | Version: Crones 1.0
Author: upcycle
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: An approximation of the amazing Three Sisters filter by Mannequins.

Probably Win only, can't test for mac.



Live Version Used: 11.
Max Version Used: 8.5.6
Date Added: Dec 01 2023 13:40:40
Date Last Updated: Dec 01 2023 19:58:24
Downloads: 149
License: None
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Device File: Crones.amxd


This looks like it could be great but it completely kills the entire signal path on Live 10 suite / Catalina OS
sorry irishmos, i stated that it probably only works on win. I'll add to the description to avoid future disappointments.
Do you need testers on mac ? :)
Thanks for the offer shroomystic but the issue lies within the max external i made and i have no idea what i should do to make it mac compatible nor do i have time to figure it out right now.
If things change in the future, I'll post a new device.
Thanks for that answer ! :)

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