Device Details
Name | Version: | Patchable Quad Slope Generator - Updated 1.1 |
Author: | lorena |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | This module consists of four Attack Decay envelopes with adjustable rise and fall times. When connected, they create interrelated and overlapping rhythms. A similar system is at the heart of the modular synthesizer designed by Serge Tcherepnin. They can each be cycled independently, functioning as 4 adjustable saw to triangle wave LFOs. When one is patched to the other, the first will trigger a "one shot" cycle from the second when its Attack reaches its peak. Two envelopes can be patched to trigger a third envelope, which can then be patched to trigger either of the first two. Each envelope output can be mapped to two parameters within Live. *******Version 1.1******* I forgot to pass the audio through the device! I've uploaded the corrected file, but you could also just add plugin~ and plugout~ to the one you already have downloaded. |
Live Version Used: | 10.15.1 |
Max Version Used: | 8.1.5 |
Date Added: | Jul 31 2020 22:26:27 |
Date Last Updated: | Aug 20 2020 18:46:56 |
Downloads: | 873 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
3 |
Device File: | QuadSlope.amxd |
I'm not sure if I have this device set up correctly. When I add the device after a VST or after an Audio Clip, the audio does not pass through. So the workaround is to set up a separate track just for this device and map the parameters from there.
Posted on August 01 2020 by sleepcycle |
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sleepycycle -- total no brainer, I forgot to pass the audio through! Just uploaded the corrected version, but if you want to fix it in yours you just add a plugin~ and plugout~ object and connect the outputs of the first to the inputs of the second!
Posted on August 01 2020 by lorena |
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Very interesting device !
Do you think you could add an option to have the lengths in beats/sync instead of free time ? I think it could make some cool euclidean rhythms
Do you think you could add an option to have the lengths in beats/sync instead of free time ? I think it could make some cool euclidean rhythms
Posted on August 01 2020 by Mecanique22 |
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Mecanigue22 -- interesting idea! I think right now the triggering from one envelope to the other is a little too "loose" (new cycle is triggered when line reaches .9 instead of .99 to avoid issues with vector size) for it to quantize properly, especially with fast envelopes. A long term goal is to re-work this device once I take a class on gen~, which would allow for exact triggering as well as the envelopes to get up to audio rate like the original Serge!
Posted on August 02 2020 by lorena |
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I'd be glad to help but unfortunately the only thing I know about gen~ is : "it's hard".
Keep up the good work :-)
Keep up the good work :-)
Posted on August 03 2020 by Mecanique22 |
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Hi lorena, I found this thing on the cycling forum, maybe it can help :-)
Posted on February 08 2021 by Mecanique22 |
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