Device Details


Name | Version: OctDownFuzz 1.1
Author: vulume
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Boss OC-2 style analog octave effect. Generates square waves at the frequency of the input signal, as well as 1 and 2 octaves down. This happens without any delay because a flip-flop (clock divider) circuit is used in stead of fft analysis. As a drawback, it only works well on pure tones. A prefilter is provided to purify the input signal, but using this effect on chords will still result in chaotic, ring-mod-like tones.

The 3 fuzz signals can be filtered. Then the input signal is AM modulated with each of the filtered fuzz signals, generating rich waveforms closely associated with the original signal. These waveforms can again be filtered afterwards.

In total, 6 waveforms are generated, which are mixed together with the original signal. A negative value can be used for mixing to invert polarity of that signal. Experiment with canceling out and reinforcing the new harmonics.

The square waves are all at the same volume (pre mixing), while the modulated signals are sensitive to the volume of the input signal. Bring up the input signal to the threshold line with the pre gain control to make mixing easier.

Keywords: Octaver, octafuzz, distortion, flipflop, mxr blue box, pitch shifter, harmonizer, ring modulator, ringmod


- Fix: filter settings not the same for L/R.
- Fix: stop clicking sound from happening after the input goes silent.


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 8.0.8
Date Added: Nov 10 2019 19:21:25
Date Last Updated: Apr 27 2020 19:10:31
Downloads: 1898
License: None
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Device File: VLM.OctDownFuzz.amxd


Damn gritty

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