Device Details


Name | Version: Flow 1.0
Author: sawdustcharles
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: “Flow” (Lakshman Bangalore / Jasper Ewing ) utilizes several audio manipulation techniques to warp, destroy and create interesting new sounds. Contained within one patch is a Karplus Strong delay ( based on an in-class model made by Tamas Marquetant ), a grain warping algorithm with highly volatile yet fun parameters, and a sample slicer ( based on work done by Ned Rush ) for even further editing and rhythmic control. Based on visions of the future seen in Blade Runner, “Flow” is best used when machines can communicate together. Paired with VCV Rack in its testing stages, “Flow” created haunting ambiance and white noise tornados from just a few clicks.


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jan 10 2025 15:15:49
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 137
License: None
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Device File: Laksh:Jasp.amxd


Thanks so much to Ned Rush and Tamas Marquetant whose work was vital to making this patch possible. 
Why is the same device 2x in a row under a different name and uploader?
thinking this is not the device the OP meant to upload.... can you confirm @sawdustcharles?
Hey sawdustcharles I am getting some interesting results, thanks! But the two sample drop slots have strange behavior - if I drop a sample on the 'drop something here' area for "Textural/Grain Generator", both waveform displays show the same sample. If I drop directly onto the waveform display of that section, only the first waveform changes, and vice versa if I drop a sample onto the second waveform display. Are these intended to be independent sections with different functions?

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