Device Details


Name | Version: SliceTool 1.1
Author: Gross9978
Device Type: MIDI Generator
Description: 1.1- Changed the UI a bit and added a "Steps" mode that let you choose which steps, out of up to 16, gets randomized per bar. It should also work with longer loops correctly now.

SliceTool lets you create midi for sliced loops in Simpler.

It will only work when the loop is "Sliced by Beat" it doesn't work with the other slice modes.

Once you have a loop sliced in simpler open the tool from the MidiGenerate tab and click "sync" this will create  1-8 loops of midi depending on the selected mode-

Normal- the loop as originally recorded
Random- the loop randomized 
Random Nth-the loop normal with a chosen random amount at the end
Random N every N- a chosen amount of normal followed by a chosen amount of random each bar

It should stay in sync with the simpler on the track if you change Divisions but if it ever gets out of wack clicking "sync" will get it working again.

Clicking "Make Notes" only serves a purpose when using one of the random modes, clicking it will randomize the notes if you want to try different results.

I originally made this just to get straight loops into a clip quickly to further modify with other tools but added the other modes for fun. Hope you dig it.


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Sep 12 2024 01:20:13
Date Last Updated: Sep 14 2024 00:35:36
Downloads: 167
License: None
Average Rating (3)

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Device File: SliceTool.amxd


I have to say, this is a fantastic tool. I know that it's limited to its specific use case, but for me this is exactly what I was looking for. I use this workflow all the time with simpler slices, but I used to have to use an arpeggiator in chromatic mode or some sort of sequencer tool to generate the random element. But this Slice tool, with it being a midi generator, is so much more elegant. It really is fantastic. Great work.
Cheers, glad you like it:)
This is super dope, thanks for sharing it!  
Yeah for sure:)

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