Device Details
Name | Version: | Rotating Clock Divider 1.2 |
Author: | hdouble |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | The Rotating Clock Divider is a type of MIDI sequencer which takes a clock/metronome rate and outputs pulses at different subdivisions ( rate/2, rate/3, rate/4, etc.), for easily creating complex polyrhythms and textured "modular" sounding sequences. It is based on the 4ms RCD Eurorack module. version 1.2: added the ability to tune the pitch of individual steps, and a few pitch presets. UI overhaul. version 1.1: added "sync to BPM" toggle. Clock rate is stored properly with saved projects. It is now possible to automate clock rate. Minor UI cleanup. ========================= Rotating Clock Divider Max For Live MIDI Effect v1.1 by Bunny Blake (h_double) @discolingua this effect uses code from Michael Hetrick's Euromax for Max/MSP Thanks to Icaro Ferre, whose mod of this device ( suggested some improvements and cleanup I have folded back into my version. ======================================================== HOW TO USE The Rotating Clock Divider (henceforth RCD) takes a clock rate of n milliseconds. It transmits that rate to 8 outputs, each of which trigger a MIDI note at a rate that is some division of the main clock rate (n/1, n/2, n/3... n/8) This allows a large variety of polyrhythms to be dialed in, either free-running or synced to the Ableton Live transport. It is ideal for generating complex rhythmic textures and "floaty modular synth bloop"-style sounds. The outputs can be tuned to different pitches, with a few presets: "C3-G3 Chromatic": MIDI notes 60-67. This works well plugged into Live's "Scale" MIDI effect. "GM Drums": kick/snare/hats/etc. Use this to drive a Drum Rack preset or other beat box. "Octaves/Fifths": stacked octaves & fifths (C & G in 4 octaves). Good starting point if you want a bunch of notes which will sound harmonious with each other. "Random Notes": mash repeatedly until you arrive at some interesting chaos. The RCD effect is designed to be used in a few different ways: 1. It can drive a synth directly, using the Live "Pitch" and "Scale" MIDI effects to tune it to a musically useful range. A synth patch with velocity sensitivity and a fairly quick attack/decay is generally best. 2. It can be used to trigger samples in a Drum Rack (or other drum sampler or beatbox). Use the "GM Drums" mode for best results. 3. The RCD can be used to drive an Instrument Rack with 8 chains, each chain filtered to a single MIDI note. This way, each RCD output pulse can drive a separate synth/effects chain, for maximum modular-style madness. ======================================================== CONTROLS START/STOP: The RCD will automatically start/stop in sync with the Live transport, it can also be started manually in free run mode with no transport running (or stopped without interrupting the Live transport). RATE: Set the main clock rate in milliseconds, the time between pulses at the longest division. RESET TO TRANSPORT: When engaged, the clock will reset with every bar of the Live transport, to make it easier to sync to other tracks in a song. BPM SYNC: Locks the RCD's clock rate to Live's master tempo. TOGGLE BUTTONS: Allows each of the 8 output stages to be armed/muted. VELOCITY DIALS: Sets the velocity for each of the 8 output stages. PITCH CONTROLS: Sets the pitch for each output stage to any MIDI note number. ROTATE: Shifts the divisor for each of the 8 output stages, as shown by the indicator beneath the individual columns (e.g. incrementing Rotate causes output 1 to divide by 2, output 2 to divide by 3, all the way to output 8 which wraps back around and divides by 1). ROTATE RESET: Resets the clock sync every time the Rotate control is changed. This may cause a subtle "jump" whenever Rotate is adjusted, but when Rotate Reset is turned off, the output pulses can drift out of sync with one another when the stages are rotated. This could be useful weirdness, so experiment! ======================================================== KNOWN ISSUES - Starting the Live transport automatically switches on the "reset to transport" sync control (you can manually switch it right back off). This is a workaround because otherwise the effect wasn't always properly detecting the state of this switch when started. - Proper patch save/restore is still on the TODO list, but if you save a project containing this effect, the effect state will be saved with the project. ======================================================== THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN THIS PLUGIN If you find it useful and would like to show your support, please take a moment to visit my Bandcamp page and buy my album! |
Live Version Used: | 8.3 |
Max Version Used: | 5.1.9 |
Date Added: | Mar 02 2013 00:07:31 |
Date Last Updated: | Aug 31 2013 18:36:35 |
Downloads: | 2971 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike |
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Device File: | rotating clock divider.amxd |
interesting device. I always wondered what the RCD does. Now I know thanks to you.
Posted on March 19 2013 by gogoolplex |
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I really like the idea - looking forward to trying it. Any update on the known issues?
Posted on June 02 2013 by amaggs |
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Hey dude! Great to see that my mod motivated you to keep this device alive!
This is a great device and I think people should try the original one and my modded version. Both have different characteristics.
This is a great device and I think people should try the original one and my modded version. Both have different characteristics.
Posted on August 31 2013 by IcaroFerre |
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There's also an implementation of the RCD in BEAP for those interested in a signal version.
Posted on May 27 2014 by PeterMcCulloch |
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I'm investigating why I am getting double triggers/flams on the 2 and 4 but not 8. I think it has something to do with the change/gate patching just under plugsync. Is this a known bug/limitation?
Posted on March 23 2018 by Razzkazz |
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I'm investigating why I am getting double triggers/flams on the 2 and 4 but not 8. I think it has something to do with the change/gate patching just under plugsync. Is this a known bug/limitation?
Posted on March 23 2018 by Razzkazz |
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I was able to solve the problem, but then today when I load the original version the problem is gone! doh! Anyway it was got to do with "del 1" going into the gate before start/stop.
On another point it might be worth setting "start/stop" and "reset to transports" parameter visibility to hidden as they fill up the undo buffer.
On another point it might be worth setting "start/stop" and "reset to transports" parameter visibility to hidden as they fill up the undo buffer.
Posted on March 24 2018 by Razzkazz |
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