SubtleSonic BASSO - a fat monosynth with presets Version 1.0.4
Basso is a monophonic bass and lead synth designed to sound ...
SubtleSonic UltraComb Version 1.1
This is a robotize / bouncing-ball effect on steroids. Vers...
SubtleSonic CRONE - textural drone synth Version 2.0.1
CRONE is a comb-filter-based polyphonic drone synthesizer. ...
SubtleSonic BandDistort Version 1.0
Distorts a particular frequency region. Use it to add subt...
SubtleSonic AnalogKick Version 1.0.1
AnalogKick is a bass drum synth based on the design of the T...
SubtleSonic EnvelopeShaper Version 1.0
The EnvelopeShaper processes the sounds by boosting or cutti...
SubtleSonic Super6 Detuner Version 1.0
Super6 is a detune/chorus Max for Live device based on the R...
XLFO -- SubtleSonic tweak Version 1.0
This device is an extension of the LFO device that comes wit...