Comments by zaSLON

To make the Automation Curve work with third-party plug-ins, we have to insert the third-party plug-in into the ableton rack and bind the necessary plug-in parameters to the rack knobs. Then map the Automation Curve to those rack knobs, not plugin parameters. In this way everything will work without any problems. The idea is to make the third-party plugin look understandable to ableton and maxfor-live
Hey, rhythmhead, I've just tested device inside the rack and it works fine. Saving, reloading works perfect, parameters are mapped after loading saved rack with this device inside. Please, send me your rack or describe how it mapped at
Kanonero, you able to buy at gumroad using paypal. Just click on paypal icon during checkout.
Hi! Ok, I'll do my best to make a video demonstration. Thanks for the requests.
Hi Marcus! Yes, it works with Surround Panner. Actually, it works with any device, that has mappable parameters.
Hey @djpnwo ! Big thanks for the support! Glad you liked it.
Hey @broah! Yea, thanks, fixed.
@M4L Got it, thanks. Done.
Ok, got it, @broah. No problem, stay tuned :)
Hey @zeep! Thanks, no problem :)
Hey @broah! Thanks for you interest and feedback. As for the stop 0 - I’ll check out this, strange bug. As for the global quantization - yes, unfortunately that's is necessary for fractional values ​​of clip lengths, if, for example, the length is not a full beat, I'm trying to avoid this, but without success so far. As for midi - what are the benefits? if you also need to run midi clips - just drop this device onto the midi track and it will work with midi clips as well. ))
Hey @broah, thanks! Hey @zeep! Yes, it saves its state inside a rack (mapping and curve), you can save a rack preset and drop it with saved settings anytime later :), and of course, it saves its state when you save your project. Cheers!
Hey @broah! Thank you! That's a pretty cool idea! That toggle will come in the next version. Stay tined.
Hey @KalanSorion ! Thank you! And yes, really useful tip!
Hey John! Thank you for your support! Great idea! I'll add this to my list and will add that functionality ASAP. As for Live 9, unfortunately, I have no possibility to check my device in Live 9 for now, but I'm glad that device works fine (even with some UI bugs) thank you for the feedback!

Best wishes.
Hey @KalanSorion, thank you for your support! No problem. Will be added in the next update, probably on the next week.
Hey @broah ! Thanks for the feedback!
The main change is in the filter. So in version 1, for example, frequencies from left and right band fall into the middle band and vice-versa, which is cool for experiments but not always that we want. That's why the new filter was added in version 2 and now it's possible to switch between two modes, and in the new mode bands will operate without passing extra frequencies. (added to description) Hopefully this is clear ;). Other updates are not so important - some visuals added to see how the signal looks line and minor improvements in the performance.


Probably will record a video if there will be some free time.
@M4L thanks for your advice. @peterwarnet That's the strange situation, please clarify what operating system do you use? Is everything is ok with your project?
Oh! This is what I'm looking for. I thought about how this device could be made and found it here! Thank you very much! Perfect!
Hey @akninganng, I hear you. It seems that many people do not like this approach, but not everyone writes about that. Thank you very much for your comment, it seems that Gumroad is a great solution.
Hey @BG23! That's strange. I have no issues with this device. Please, write your OS and Ableton Live Version. Thanks.
@M4L, @akninganng - the same as with Spectro Graph.
@akninganng yea, you are right, man, that's the stupid decision. @M4L I will attach an amxd file. Thank you, guys.