Comments by yarhammer


what is the issue/error? Can you provide more context? Make sure to use the latest version. You are welcome to contact directly to sort it out.


"unfortunately I didnt find a way to show the effect in the track overview (e.g. with modulation)..."

what do you mean here.

maybe this is of interest.

since you and ya_ are free I assume this plug is not taking anything away from you.



ya_MIP works with any number of selected tracks and will solo all of them.

please note, that you should only have ONE ya_MIP device in your project. set the key/MIDI there and it works for every track (selected).
Hey Yossimor,

the fontsize could be changed with the "window size" which, until now, was hidden in the about screen (clicking the yarhammer logo). As of the new version 6.2 the window management has been moved to the main device view. Check it out.


just use one of the special characters in the beginning or end of your track names to exclude them from the molo. this way any bussing tracks remain functional. cheers, y.
bravo & thanks.
minimum is upcoming, yes. cheers, y.
the above mentioned update is out btw. cheers, y.

glad you got it working!

yes, there will be an update to allow -before or -after the track name for the special character.

hey @itsBREX,

if you need bussing tracks (midi or audio) to always play: you should exclude (solo safe) them via the set exclude character.

if you need help, please send email with more info and possibly sample project via mail.

not new, but updated to 1.6 with fixes and possibility to KEY/MIDI control the dials.
new version 3.1 with panning
1.2 update enables MIDI/KEY control of max. Velocity and Ramptime.

1.2 update enables KEY/MIDI control of max. Pitch and Ramptime.
1.2 update enables KEY/MIDI control of max. Voices and Ramptime.
2.2 update fixes a bug where the KEY/MIDI mapping was not possible until the about screen was once shown and closed.
Yes, you have an issue with note-offs. You may want to have a look in to ya_NoonGate or the just released ya_NoChance for an idea to fix.

You can use ya_NoChance in three Midi Chains with the Live Pitch and Velocity devices to mimic your device without hanging nots.

… thats the idea: they follow the master fader. if you need a different behaviour use ya_fader in a rack. that way the original fader of the slave tracks remains functional in addition to the master. this is shown in the video on the yarhammer site @40 sek.
… edited the description. hope that helps. y_
updates to 3.5 with fixes for Live 10.1
finally updated to 3.5 to run smooth with Live 10.1
if you are running Live 10.1 …you should update ya_Fader to 3.5.
… and ya_EQ8 v3.5.
Hey, if you are using Live 10.1 you should update to ya_Group 3.5.
just updated to 3.0 with new smoothing option and optimisations.
version 2.3: the master group setting is now saved with the live set
just updated to 2.3 with a fix for the group setting of the master device
it should be available again now.
the official and optimized version of ya_EQ8 is here:
including an inversion switch.

@Parametex I'd prefer You link to that instead as well. thanks.
we will post a special ya_EQ8 version soon.
using Scale here is the right way to go.
It will be looked into when freewheeling.
btw. know that you can unlink and link devices next to ya_Group. just click the device name under the big group selection letter.
i am afraid a useful inverter is difficult to implement with this solution as it would have to be device and parameter aware.
inserting a "stupid" inversion of the values would cause a mess and actually switch off all slave devices by inverting the switch of the master.
however, ya_Group can also be linked to an audio effects rack and its macro controls. so if you where to select the bands of interest and link them to macros that are linked to ya_Group… this could be a way.
(corrected version number to 1.1 instead of 2.2)