Comments by xiso

I've had few ideas for long time that require this kind of device. One is for manipulating the stream of notes going off from assigned source or midi clip and so it becomes possible to make even most dull sequence into something varied and interesting (I've discovered this with one voice being half-dead on analog Juno-106 synth). And other is to make use of several different presets of same instrument at the same time, or even different instruments playing different parts of melody. Many pretty unique things can be experimented with by this method as doing it by hand becomes extremely tedious as you try out different variations on this trick.
I'm very grateful for this, as I didn't find any other implementation of this trick.
However, it's too limited and pretty much barebones. I've tried to modify it and make it more useable in cases that I need to use this for more than one input, but I just can't get around M4L and get things to work for now, I'm bad with coding.
Ideally it should pretty much work like an Instrument rack, with any added instrument occupying additional voice, then additionally it would have some settings or how the voices are chosen (normal forward sequence, backward, bounce, random) and applicable modulations to it (each voice fires N times before switching to next and other possible twists). But as I understand, it might be impossible to store another Live device inside a M4L device, so we're back to this kind of implementation.
For now we need few things to streamline what we have:
- add option to select udp port (16 presets or just type in manually) both on Brain and Satellite
- add option to select which voice Satellite represents (if possible)
- make the current voice window adjustable, so we can override normal voice switching operation with automations and LFO's