Comments by ummo

Hi vams, as mentioned above I will not be developing this device any further. It is just a simple peak level meter, I imagine adding rms would be more complicated. I really just build these things for myself and share here in case anyone else gets any use out of them. Since I am not using this meter any more I’m afraid I won’t be updating it
You could try editing the plugin yourself though, I would have set the value 500 somewhere if you find that value you could change it to whatever you want :)
Hi Hoogstraten, glad you like it :) I doubt I'll be developing this plugin further as I don't actually use it anymore, I prefer a VU meter now for gainstaging and this one is very good
Hi Markus, thanks for reaching out

As discussed on Facebook I suspect this is caused by the sysex program change triggering something in your setup. Try disconnecting all your peripherals and see if this solves the issue. You can also try setting the device ID on your Pulse and matching this in the m4l device (this will be visible when you open the device in presentation mode in Max, towards the bottom of the window below the device GUI).
Hi feindbild

Sorry for the very very late response! I just found that the ctlin for the filter envelope did not have a cc number specified, so would have been reacting to any cc number (such as the play button). I have added the cc number now to version 2.2
Hi twistedspace - thanks so much for this - has saved me tons of work! I had to update the Automapping settings to get it to work nicely with Ableton Push - I have posted this updated version here for anyone who is interested;