Comments by topazUK

Thanks for the reply, if you get a chance to fix ;-)
Hi Xanadu, thanks for the device.

for some reason when clicking get clips info the global quantize in live is changed to 1/4, any idea why ?

Great device, thanks.
Thanks but this doesn't seem to be working correct in 9.6x

changing key gives wrong scales.
This is a great device but sadly has no pattern switching

the presets also do not save.

would be great to see an update to solve these issues.
Hi, thanks for the device but im not sure its working correct.

I have midi coming into 4 channels of live but I cannot get the notes to split 1 > 2 >3 >4 across those channels.

the first 2 are ok but after that it doesnt seem to work.

hard to explain, but im trying to split chords on input (divisi)
is note (root) channel 1 (2nd) channel 2 etc.
Hi M

I have just updated to Max 6.1.9 with Live 9.1.5
and all is working fine here.

I have re-saved the device and uploaded just incase there is an issue.

hope that has fixed any issues.

Pheeew.. thank you for your help

enjoy :-)
No, all working fine here.. have re-uploaded frozen.
hmm, that is odd mines not working. im no expert just a bit of a hacker (in the legal sense that is)
its not frozen
please download this device to make sure clyphx is working ok for you.
hopefully we can get some more testers in here to see what could be wrong.
Control Surface > ClyphX is all that is needed, no midi IO
No you shouldnt need that, you only need it as a remote input.
Here is a video showing NoteScrambler working
Sorry its not working Martin, I am using 9.1.3 suite on Mac OSX 10.8.5

I have ClyphX enabled as a remote remote (input only)

Im not sure why its not working :-(
Also I had to include the max patch but you can simply drag the live preset onto he track too.
Hi Martin, 1st this only works in session view.

You should be able to simply load notescramber after your drum rack, with the UI open select the Clip in session view and click the various boxes. The clip doesn't need a name but this device can name all clips in a session too.

You need to click the clip you want to scramble.