Comments by spacedriver

This device is almost perfect!!!
The morphing function is amazing, opens up a lot of cretive posibilities.
It's way better that the original device. =)

The only thing is that every time you trigger the envelope it creates an "undo" step... So if you play for a while, you can't actually undo anymore.
This is a known problem with the original device, so not your fault.
But it can be solved as this guy did:

If that is adressed, this device would be absolutely perfect!
I would be amazing if you can add aftertouch to this device!
This is such a great device, really really usefull. Thanks for it!
I'm running a minor issue though...
When reloading a proyect I have to move the macro first to start working again. So in other words, it resets the values to their minimun every time I reload a proyect.
I hope it could be adress in a future update. Cheers! :)
Just amazing!!
I have been really pissed off while working with my Arturia Minibrute 2S and constanly have to find the fucking stuck key when stoping clips!
Thank you very much for this device that adds a function that Ableton should have natively!