Comments by roygbiv

@wetterberg if both toggles are off that instance will be decoupled from receiving probability from other devices. Or I'm not sure I understand your concerns very well. It's a one knob thingy so I like it to be free 🙃✌️
@Vicente thank you for the feedback, the device now saves the files directly in the project folder if the set was saved before. If unsaved, a pop-up will remind you to set a folder. You can always overwrite the default project folder location by setting a folder manually (this tho, will be reset to the project folder once reloading the set) 🙏

@mhj The device now has a Link Start/Stop toggle to link the recording to the transport ✌️
@carlos it should work under Windows too but I haven't tested it, I will and see if there is a problem, I recommend checking if you are saving to a locations where Live/Max has access to write.

@mhj That would be easy to do but I'd set it as a preference as my main way to use it is to freely start/stop transport without stopping the recording. I'll update the device as soon as I have some time. Thanks for the feedback!