Comments by outsiderspeaks

Hey that's great to hear - I'm actually just finishing up an in-depth video to showcase all the parameters that will hopefully help you dial it in more to your taste.
I have no idea what is required for Push compatibility having never had one but if you're willing to do that then you can reach me at outsiderspeaks (at) gmail (dot) com!

Thanks for the feedback and yes, I will almost certainly keep refining my guitar processing methods - this design was pretty much just made up and tweaked as I went along based on my basic understanding of amp architecture.
Hi Crampe - please let me know how you get on, I don't have a Push 3 so I'm very curious if it works!
Hey leescan, thanks for the feedback! I'll look into the note sticking for a fix when I get the chance. And I'm definitely interested in developing this concept more so thank you for the suggestions too.
Updated with a video on the Gumroad page!
FreddyFingaz is correct! But yes, I plan on making a video demonstration in the next few days. Thanks for your interest!
Hi jrl76182, sorry to hear you're having problems, that's very strange behaviour!

When you say there's no option to map, is the Map button just not showing at all, or is it present but unresponsive to you clicking it? If it's the former it could be a dependency issue, which I can try to fix by re-freezing the device and uploading it as a new download for you.

Email me at outsiderspeaks [@] gmail [.] com with a screenshot or video if you wouldn't mind please! Hopefully we'll get it fixed asap.
Apologies, it should work now! Thanks for calling it to my attention.