Device Details


Name | Version: Paramcounter - MIDI-synced parameter randomiser 1.1
Author: outsiderspeaks
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Version 1.1 update - new UI and multiple mappings!

Update notes:

-Updated user interface

-Added capability to map the output to up to 8 parameters each with minimum and maximum

-Output value is now floating point value 0.0-1.0, instead of integer 0-127

MIDI-synchronised parameter randomisation! Create rhythm based modulation patterns with ease.

Paramcounter is a Max for Live MIDI effect that generates a mappable random value within a user-specified range after a certain number of incoming MIDI notes. It's an elegant way of automating controls in sync with your MIDI patterns.

Paramcounter features a natural interface for clear and direct feedback. This simple tool can open up a lot of complexity in your modulation, especially when multiple instances are used or when combined with other tools like LFOs or apreggiators!

Create complex modulations through a simple interface and introduce generative techniques into your music making!

Note: This device is offered on a pay-what-you-can basis - if you are able to, please consider paying above the £3 suggested price in order to fund a free community copy for those who are unable to afford the device otherwise!


Live Version Used: 11.0.2
Max Version Used: 8.5.2
Date Added: May 22 2023 14:34:27
Date Last Updated: Jun 06 2023 10:19:07
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionShareAlike
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There is no way to add the subscriber coupon in the cart.
Forced to input an amount above $3 and give credit card info or paypal login.
Maybe you have to set a fixed price instead of a variable price???
I don't know, anyway i am not able to use a coupon.
Apologies, it should work now! Thanks for calling it to my attention.
Fixed. Thanks!
Live 11.3.2- No option to map to anything. Output Value field stuck with 0. Doesn't respond to input. Count field doing the same. I can't seem to make the device do anything whatsoever. Was excited to use it too.
Hi jrl76182, sorry to hear you're having problems, that's very strange behaviour!

When you say there's no option to map, is the Map button just not showing at all, or is it present but unresponsive to you clicking it? If it's the former it could be a dependency issue, which I can try to fix by re-freezing the device and uploading it as a new download for you.

Email me at outsiderspeaks [@] gmail [.] com with a screenshot or video if you wouldn't mind please! Hopefully we'll get it fixed asap.
May 23rd, 2023
Edgar Gumstein
123 Gum Road
San Francisco, TX 76182
United States
Item purchased
Paramcounter - note-counting ramdomiser for Max for Live!
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Works great using the ALP and included AMX version.

Trying to update the rating on Gumroad, but the site is being stupid at the moment with a seemingly infinite loop of "select all squares with..."

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