Comments by oscillator

Your synth is very nice!

What do you think to add some preset save/recall in the device?
Would be very useful.

If you do it in the regular way as buttons, but also connected to a knob to cycle through them, we could automate presets during the song.
With 'assignable notes' i mean to have a little box showing which note affects the parameter (i would like to record some notes in a midi clip as a 'performance sequencer'!)
You can see an example of what i mean in this device in the box called note:
If you would like to have more slots you can consider one row with knobs for each slot :)
With 'assignable notes' i mean to have a little box showing which note affects the parameter (i would like to record some notes in a midi clip as a 'performance sequencer'!)
You can see an example of what i mean in this device in the box called note:
If you would like to have more slots you can consider one row with knobs for each slot :)
Good work!
I have some advices if you want to make a new version with improvements for a better note entry sequencing (that a like more):

- I will use 1 mappable slot only to avoid confusion, instead of 9, with its own sequencer bar.
- Would be more intuitive to have knobs on each step like this device:
- Assignable notes
- Would be nice to have a 'tempo' parameter to decide the speed of the sequence, midi mappable.
- The off button should unlock the parameter too for live tweaking.

I had Live slowing down when i mapped a slot to a volume track and another one to a reverb wet/dry knob; don't know why...

Let me know if you like these ideas.
One of the most awesome patches ever made!
It's fantastic, big THANKS!!!
Hi Fabrizio, your tools are great for bass harmonization; what i miss is another device, maybe called HarmoChord2ScaleFilter which would recognize the chord and will adapt a ionian scale in case of a major chord or a dorian scale in case of a minor chord.
This way we could improvise over all the notes, not only on the triads of the chord.
This is the missing M4L device, far away better than Schwarzonator, because of your idea of real time harmonization, that is very cool.
If you would do it would be great, thanks.
Hi, the patch needs to be edited? And how?
(i'm not a programmer...)
Hi, i would like to use a slightly different version of your device. I need to trigger some parameters in the regular 'one click to trigger' mode, not with momentary type.
Do you think i can ask you to do it? would be very useful for (not only) me. Thanks! Dan
Hi, i think your device is great as momentary fx buttons.

Can i record what i push as automation?
I tried but when i hit rec the device won't work anymore.
8+8 automation is of course very good.
I think if your next version will be on a single screen with no popups and without the cc blocks on the right, it will be in the top ten device of this site.
Hi, thanks for your great device, super useful.
A few observations:
What do you think of 2 versions, one with buttons and one with knobs? You will have more space for labels and no conflicts.
Now the buttons seems to 'battle' with knobs.
Also if i lock the device i can normally edit things.
Is it a JOKE?
The max patch is pretty empty with no map button at all.

Please verify.
HI, this is great!
Can you add 1/3 1/6 1/12 1/24 time divisions and the possibility to put a different midi mapping on each one?
Now the midi mapping is for all, thanks!