Comments by obliquo

Update when are you coming? :-)
How is it going in making the timefactor one? Can you not get eventide to fund the project? I think it would be a great bonus for their pedals now that there's so much competition...
I'm also waiting impatiently for the timefactor! Can't wait to have my wonderful pedal back in my live set. Thank you for doing it!
I'm also waiting impatiently for the timefactor! Can't wait to have my wonderful pedal back in my live set. Thank you for doing it!
By the way settings don't get saved in live 8.
This is the most useful patch I've found here, extremely creative. Congratulations!
One thing I would love to have is momentary switch also for the repeat mode so I could have a sample repeating as long as I hold down the pad instead of continuously. Does it make any sense?