Comments by njazz

thanks, that's a good idea to have the possibility to switch the "lfo"s, updated the device now
weird. sorry for that
fixed and updated with env follower
wow! great, thanks for sharing!
great! and thanks for the feedback!
ok, thanks. updated the device, check it now, should work
and forgot to mention one thing - when you first run the device you should press "list" button to get list of the tracks. next time it will remember the chosen track
hmm. weird. yes, should be compatible
what exactly is not working? UI or everything? what's in the Max window when you press 'edit' button?
fixed (hopefuly), message me if that didn't work
oh, sorry, will check that
thanks, hope that it is useful
still can't change description. sorry for that
this is a simple "groove delay", actually the first one that i?ve planned: just shifts the sound according to pattern.
still can't change description. sorry for that
this is a simple "groove delay", actually the first one that i?ve planned: just shifts the sound according to pattern.
Can't update the description for some strange reasons

this is my first post here - this device is simple 16?16 delay matrix synced with tempo.