Comments by n0ael

What does this do? Is it a midi control devices or does it contain nord drum samples? The description is lacking in information. 
Hi, this look like a super nice way to get colour to the mix. But how much latency does it introduce?
I which I would understand better how max and midi work. But there is maby a something that could help. There is a free ctrlr mapping for the Mopho with the possibility to send end load patches. It’s super nice but I prefer still your way to control the synth via push 2. Maby someone genius is able to expand the functionality for bidirectional control… I think I would sell the Mopho and get the Tetra :)
Maybe it’s because of the Mopho not being 100% the same? But it’s not bidirectional so it makes no sense.

Also how hard would it be to have the max device load patches from the hardware? It would be extremely cool if it could revive and send patches so the knobs would reflect the state of the synth.
It works well also with the Mopho. But sometimes is freezes and I have to reload the max device. Does it happen with the tetra as well?

Also it’s super nice to control this little synth from the push! Thanks
does it work in live 11? can i map also parameter on other tracks? and how is the cpu usage? i had problems with multimapper and tempo changes
it's a very good tool, but after hours of creating drum racks for use with push 2 and vst drumsynth. i noticed a big problem: when i change the tempo i get cpu spikes. tempo changes are essential to me, so the patch is not usable on my system. do you have similar experiences? i would like to use it. will there be an update? or is it just because of my system?
This is perfect! Thanks
thanks for the great device, but i wonder why it sometimes clicks.

@spartoff i am also interested in using it with push2. is there an update coming soon? or could you share the modified device with us?

nice thanks! but please make it polyphon :)