Comments by mubali

I'd be very interested in a solution that handles the monitoring aspect of the latency since that's primarily the issue happening.

I've also tested other DAWs and find this is also common when software monitoring is used due to buffer size + plug-in delay compensation.

I my experience, if you aren't interested in monitoring with effects in your DAW, you could use direct monitoring from your audio interface if it has it. This allows you to hear the audio before it hits the driver and the buffer size your DAW is using.

Another solution which is the one I use is having external sequencers that are clocked using analog audio pulses sent from live out of my audio interface. I have the ability to shift my clock pulses to adjust for the buffer size, which allows me to record while monitoring in Live and it'll be on time.

This changes when I add more plug-ins that have latency, so I generally won't add mixing plug-ins that have heavy latency until after I've recorded everything I need to.

I can see this being a working solution for anyone who doesn't have direct monitoring in their audio interface.

Would love to see something address the monitoring aspect of this issue since it's what is driving the overall problem.

Good job on what you've made! Glad folks find it useful!
The device will work on midi tracks, but it's intended to work on an audio track and use a midi track to route to the device on the audio track.

Cool, how do you program rests?
See my comment on your other LFO object for the solution to your bypass button issue.
So, the issue with your bypass button not being fully mappable without using a macro knob seems to be with the object you are using. You are using an LED object for your toggle which probably is causing the problem.
To ensure that device parameters that will be automated fully using other Max for Live devices, make sure you use UI objects with the live prefix.

Changing your led object to a live.toggle object allowed for it to be mapped directly to an lfo.

It's a 2 second fix, so it'll be no problem for you to update it.
Got the same issue as had been mentioned before. Mapping UI disappears.
The first time I loaded it, it was fine, however every time after that the UI was gone and I lost all my mappings.
Please update your license to be Commercial, as the device requires a payment to be downloaded. Thanks.
The Euklidean Sequencer is a device under that same name. (It's spelled differently than the technique it describes)

However you could indeed use Grids and I have from time to time done so.

Grids puts out a specific midi note for each of the individual drums, you could in turn create a midi effect rack that listens specifically for the note that pertains to the drum you want to effect, place this in that chain and then set the output notes to whatever drum hits you wish them to be. I would recommend using a drum rack for this purpose.

Very interesting and handy device! I've been doing a bit of mucking about with it and so far have managed to add some randomization for the clip selection to give it the equivalent of shuffle play.

I have some ideas as to how to implement your volume automation as well as a few other ideas to further increase the functionality of the device.

You can find me via my user name at g mail

If I end up building any of these other ideas on, I'll be glad to send it to you.

Cool device!
I really like this device quite a lot. I was curious how difficult it would be to make a version that takes an input from anywhere instead. I attempted to change the arguments to audio_input 2, but the list it pulled up of inputs doesn't match the set, so I'm a bit confused as how to proceed further.

I was hoping to use this as a way to route 3 different audio channels into a single effect but be able to choose which audio source will come through to the effect.

Thanks for your efforts and let me know if it's something super easy to change.
I saw something similar to this that included a function to prevent note overlap by forcing them to staccato. Is that something that you could implement into your device? It would make it far more usable to avoid note overlaps when generating monophonic lead lines that don't use portamento.
The pops occur whether or not audio is being actively sent to hindsight and will occur when starting or. I am curious about whether or not there is smoothing applied to the loop button and if there isn't, then probably a small envelope would completely sort that aspect out.
Cool device, was looking for something along these lines for an upcoming performance.
I have one question though, is there a way to mute the incoming audio so that nothing but the looped audio plays? I am pretty clueless when it comes to gen, so I had no idea how to make it work.

Also, I made a personal edit that increases the loop length to 8 bars, but was unable to get it to work for 16 bars. If there was a way to provide a wider range of loop lengths that would definitely serve my purposes better.

The last thing I noticed are some audible clicks and pops when the loop button is engaged or disengaged while something is playing. Probably a simple fix, but I couldn't quite figure out where to implement it myself.

Anyway, nice device, has lots of interesting potential uses for me.
I uploaded the version I made that fixes the undo buffer issue. I did mention earlier in this thread how to change it yourself, but to save people time and trouble, I have uploaded it . I did nothing else to the code (mainly because I'm not super skilled and have no idea what it's doing.
I was trying to find the racks that you listed however your website isn't working. Can you please upload those racks again?
I use this in my live sets as well as in production. It's an awesome thing if you ask me. Thanks nonagon!!!
xygotcha, you can remove the purple box from the device architecture. just reconnect the wires after you remove the box and you're all good. I made my own edit for it doing just that and including a live number box that will display the swing amount in % in less than 5 minutes working time.
Nice compiling of devices for live performance. I modified it a little bit and set it up to where you can send the Tonic and Mode information to another instance of the plug. This way you can have one master Scale device that determines the tonic and mode of all the followers. I can upload it if you want. :)
Really liking this device... had spent the day frankensteining 16 macro knobs to set my launchpad to work the other 185 sequencer here, but managed to find this one here.. One small question/favor... There are a few parameters that cannot be macroed or midi controlled on the device that would help me not have to use my mouse to do a few things. Also the fact that you have to continually click open sequencer anytime you click off from it is a bit of a pain. The parameters that I would like accessible for mapping are the scale parameters (root note & scale type), and the Step Length sync dropdown menu where you can select 16n, etc. I do realize you could just automate the knob at the bottom, but it would be more accurate if you could just have those options be mappable as well. I'm really enjoying the device, and just want to limit my needing to touch my mouse during a performance. Thanks for your time!