Comments by moss

Argh, again minor changes in their stuff. I fixed it. It is up on my website.
2.1 released today. Uses now the play position of the current clip.
Uh yes, you are right. I did now upload the frozen version of V2.
Please try again.
v1.3 is broken with Live Versions > 9.0.1 but v2.0 is working fine. Make sure that a clip got created and you have started the clip!
Nice improvisation! Great to see my stuff in use :-)

I think I got something for you I was working on a new version of DumSeq but did not find the time iron out some nitpicks (which are difficult). But however I put it on my homepage for you to have a look:
This version works directly with MIDI clips so you can have as much as you like and can add other midi effects as well.
Hi Lem,

never noticed such a problem. Are you using the latest M4L?

Have you pressed the "Reconnect" button?
I fixed the download file.
Updated to confirm to Ableton coding standards.
Updated to confirm to Ableton coding standards.
Updated to confirm to Ableton coding standards.

> a editable version would be nice.

It is editable. Just select "Unfreeze device".

> Have an integer switch the track ID number instead

Send your integer to the "prepend selectAndRecordTrack" box. This is where the 8 buttons are connected to.
Replaced by
Updated to confirm to Ableton coding standards.