Comments by mightym4l

Sounds fun! Can't wait to try this one out. Thanks for the upload.
Hi tigranHam,

Thanks for the feedback! That's an interesting idea there, I'll keep it in mind for the future updates.

Take care,

@aoxomoxoa23 Definitely these are some great ideas! New features are coming that will help add more variation and adaptability.

Updates are free for existing users.

Thanks for checking it out.

@magps13 Thanks :)

Yes, the sequences are editable!
@AlexTT Thanks for the kind words :)

Yes, since this is an early release, there are new features that will be added. I agree user presets would be a great addition. We're currently researching this as a feature that could get added.

Updates are free for existing users.

Happy music making!
Hi Iain!

Sorry for the confusion. doesn't support versions less than 1.0 so we converted to a new system.

Version 0.5 became version 1.1, so you're all up-to-date!

If anything comes up, let us know:

Update Version 1.1

- 4x demo sets for Ableton Live 10+. Featuring Techno, Hip-Hop, Drum & Bass, and Big Beat rhythms.
- Note length is now 1/64 notes. (For a custom note length, we recommend Ableton's "Note Length" MIDI device.)
- Fixed unnecessary steps added to the Undo history.

Happy musicing!

Mighty M4L
Great suggestion, thanks Mashmore12. We totally agree.

This was originally released with presets but some users had issues loading them, depending on their system. We're sorting this out.

We're also looking at having presets built-in on the next update. All purchases come with free updates, so we'll be in touch.

Thanks for your feedback!
Thank you! Device has been fixed and updated.

MM4L - Probability Gate 1.3

* Updated parameter visibility. live.button[1] is no longer visible as a mappable parameter or in the undo history.