Comments by mganss

@orangetab You can either adjust the Min/Max values at the top or the combination of Depth and Offset. For a parameter that has a range of -100 to +100, adjust the depth to 50% and offset to 50% in order to make the parameter go from 0 to +100.
@madox Have you put a synth on the track?
@nihilist23 Fixed. Thanks for pointing this out.
@moogerdooper From what I can gather this message typically occurs if Max for Live is not available, e.g. if you have Live Lite or Standard and not Suite.
I've updated the device for Live 11 (still works in Live 10 and below). Clip creation when the device is grouped now works, too.
@poplesz I think the device "Parameter Rotation 2" by Dennis DeSantis ( might be similar to what you're looking for.
@khaosgott Now I'm a little confused :) So you want to use a sequence generated by the device as a MIDI clip in your track? Sure, just click "Clip" on the right of the device and it will create a new clip with the current sequence in the current track. If you play that new clip make sure you disable the device otherwise you'll get double output.

Another option is to use the Out clip feature: Create an empty clip in the same track as the device, select that new clip and then click "Out" on the device. Now whenever you generate a new sequence the device will fill that clip with the corresponding MIDI notes. You can play the clip and still generate new sequences. This is especially useful if you want to apply a groove to the clip. To prevent double output click the small yellow circle button on the left hand side of the device to disable MIDI output from the device itself.
@khaosgott You can't create a new clip on a different track. But of course you can create a clip on the track where the device is on by clicking "Clip" on the right hand side and then copy the new clip to your desired track.
@monono Can you post steps to repro?
@jzjzjz I think I now fully understand what caused the problem in the first place. It was the "Development Path Type" setting which was set to "relative to device". I've set it to "disabled" in v1.2.2. The "Keep project folder" organized should be harmless now, but I've still kept it disabled.
@indomegacin Thank you! I can't do the random octave feature in this device, though. The pitch is taken as-is from the model and I'd like to keep the device as simple as possible. I can imagine there are other Max for Live devices that can transpose notes in this way.

@pizu123 Temp stands for temperature and increases the randomness. The shift feature is a good idea and probably easy to add thanks to the live.step object. I'll do it in the next couple of days.

The gate values are also part of the model and I'd like not to add complexity to it. One way to achieve something similar manually is by enabling "Fix gate" and then add the Mute Sequencer device (
@daveybfire The clips need to be on the same track as the MidiMorph device. Select a clip first, then click the button on the MidiMorph device you want to assign it to (from, to, out). The button should then be active (yellow using the default theme in Ableton 10) and show the name of the clip. As soon as you have assigned all three buttons the out clip should be filled (assuming from and to have any notes in them :).

It's not necessary to always have an out clip assigned, though: The device will play the current pattern through its MIDI output (if the play button is on). Also, you can click Clip to create a new clip in the current track.

If it still doesn't work, please open an issue at GitHub. I don't get notifications of new messages here :(
@braduro It's a 5x5 two dimensional array of static patterns (hard coded). The axis resolution is 8 bits, i.e. there are 256 steps along each axis. For each coordinate, the closest pattern from the 5x5 array is determined along with 3 neighboring patterns. These are then linearly interpolated to compute a pattern for the chosen coordinate.

Each step of a pattern is an 8 bit-value that encodes the "height" of the terrain at the coordinate in the map. The density parameter works like a sea level setting, i.e. it defines a threshold where the terrain becomes visible/audible. The height of the terrain is additionally modified dynamically by a random value.

I couldn't find any indication of how the array of static patterns was chosen or generated. That would have been very interesting, because the Mutable Instruments product page mentions "a healthy dose of machine learning and graph algorithms, megabytes of drum loops, hours of intensive computations".

@mots VS Community Edition is now free. I don't have time to try this, but another idea would be to use emscripten to port the code to javascript and get rid of the external.
Great pragmatic device. Thanks for sharing.

I have modified it to make it MIDI mappable.

@Prebentious Can I share the modified version as a separate device?
@broah Thanks! Tbh I haven't actually done anything with it yet. I just thought it was a cool idea and became fascinated by the problem space (assignment problem, Hungarian algorithm etc). My initial intended use case was to automatically create subtle transitions from one drum pattern to another (or possibly bass lines).

I also would love to hear about actual uses of the device :)
The settings for random mode now flip out to the side in v1.2 (click the little dot next to Random to toggle settings).

@hatyn I can't repro. Which version of Live are you using? Can you provide steps to repro (preferably based on a fresh set)?
I've checked: AFAICT the "Parameter Visibility" cannot be set through attributes at runtime. You can easily edit the device to disable undo for patterns, though: Open Max, Uunfreeze device, select the "patternStep" object (the live.step sequencer object) and set "Pattern Visibility" to "Hidden", save the device.
@mafgar Thanks! I can't repro the issue, though. Playback starts in sync with the arrangement position (the bars-beats-units counter at the top next to the play button in Live) which doesn't have to be at the beginning of a bar.

@broah Thanks! I'll check if I can make it configurable. I want to keep a way to go back to a previous pattern, though.
@telkmx Did you use v1.1? If so, can you provide steps to repro?
Sorry, fixed in version 1.1. Max seems to do this automatically when the project setting "Keep project folder organized" is enabled.