Comments by mapmap

nice job.
this effect is great! the only thing is that sometimes the parameters for a given effect won't show up and other times they will.
any thoughts?
i was just using a screen capture program to make those demo videos.
i'm working on a video recorder as well as a toggle for detecting external displays + going fullscreen.
i just uploaded v1.1
changes are:
added offset slider for adjusting playback divisions (useful for creating variations)
jpg image now loads correctly
not sure why the description doesn't show up in the field above...
well here it is again.

max for live video effect

Midi-Vidi allows you to control the playback of Quicktime videos with Midi inside of Ableton Live thanks to the magic of Max for Live. Midi-Vidi divides your video into 12 equal parts based on the length of your video and assigns those parts to Midi notes. There is also an effects section that allows you to map attributes such as velocity to some simple effects.
You can see an early test of this patch in action here?
Midi-Vidi is based entirely on Cycling 74's Jitter tutorial #26 with only minor modifications by me. I can't take any credit for it's construction. I hope to use this as a jumping off point and make further modifications in the future to allow for more playability.

Quick Start
-Drop Midi-Vidi into a midi track in Live
-You can now either route midi from an existing midi track to Midi-Vidi or play the track that it is already in. (it will pass midi thru unaffected so you can place an instrument in the track after if you want.)
-click the Load Video button to select your quicktime video.
-then click the Display Window button to open the player window.
-Start sending midi and watch your movie skip.

?next if you feel like it try playing with the matrix mixer to the right and see what happens.
this one doesn't seem to work for me. also, if i try to open/edit it it crashes max for live.